Saturday, August 31, 2019
Unit 12 Btec P1 – Task P1A
P1 – Describe the role internet marketing has in a modern marketing context using selected organisations as examples Internet marketing has played an important role as a means of advertising. All types of businesses have benefited from internet marketing when it comes to cost, relationship building and sales. Instantly millions of people can have access to a company, its products or services, and this can be done at any time anywhere in the world. Usually communication is done via e-mail reducing costs in telephone calls as well. And this benefits not only businesses which do not need to spend large sums of money on traditional ways of advertising but also benefits consumers who do not need to make telephone calls to know more about a company and its products or services; it is possible to find out everything with a few clicks. Internet marketing is also used to close deals which make the process easier and cheaper for the business and the customer. Even a mobile phone contract deal can be done via internet nowadays. Internet marketing also helps targeting overseas clients as products or services easily reach customers anywhere in the world through internet marketing. Relationship building is also one of the reasons why businesses use internet marketing; this can be done through e-mails received to update customers with latest products, services or news; another way to build good relationship with customers is by offering them services that can be done online without the hassle of going out to resolve an issue. One example is online banking where banks offer customers the facility of cancelling direct debits, make payments or transfers within minutes.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Indian Society
Marginalisation affects a large part of Indian society, who are subjected to loss of rights and mistreatment due to their place in the caste system. In the novel Q&A by Vikas Swarup, a street boy, Ram Mohammad Thomas narrates the events of mistreatment and abuse in not only his life, but several others characters with the same fate. Throughout the novel, the experiences of Ram, Salim and Nita are told, contributing to the privileging of social, gender and religious marginalisation in Indian society as foregrounded by Swarup.Ram Mohammad Thomas, throughout the novel narrates his experiences of marginalisation and mistreatment due to his social status in the caste system. Ram’s social marginalisation is privileged through the foregrounding of the caste system in Indian society where he is seen as an untouchable, someone who lives in a chawl, with no education, Ram states â€Å"†¦The brain is not an organ we are authorized to use. We are supposed to use only our hands and l egs. †(pg. 2), this foregrounds how as an untouchable in society, Ram is only seen as a slave to others, not someone with any kind of intelligence to have the mental capacity to partake in a quiz show. This is further foregrounded when Ram states â€Å"Like Godbole, you believe I am only good for serving chicken fry and whisky in a restaurant. That I am meant to live life like a dog and die an insect. Don’t you? †(pg. 29), further stating how in Indian society people believe the place in the caste position you are born, you must stay and not partake in activities which are meant for higher class people.Swarup positions the reader to feel sympathetic for Ram, by story after story of discrimination and see him as a representative of the untouchable class, someone who is just a street boy, with no control over their fate, and being at the bottom of the caste system leading him to be clearly shown as socially marginalised. Salim Ilyasi in the novel is Ram’s best friend, much like Ram, he is socially marginalised but also religiously marginalised for being Muslim.His marginalisation is privileged through several stories throughout the novel, Ram revealed (speaking about Salim’s experience) â€Å"The moment the Hindi’s heard this they went on a rampage. Armed with machetes and pickaxes, sticks and torches, they raided the homes of all the Muslim families†¦Before his very eyes they set fire to the hut†¦ His whole family was burnt to death†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (pg. 95). This quote illustrates how Salim’s family and many other Muslims, were marginalised and attacked purely because they were part of the religion that was getting accused.Further, his religious marginalisation is shown where Salim stated (recounting his experience to Ram) â€Å"This bastard is definitely a Muslim, let’s kill him’ †¦ ‘No. Killing him would be too easy. We will burn this motherfucker alive in this bus. Then he a nd his community will learn never to touch our homes,†(pg. 229), this further foregrounds how because Salim is Muslim, in Indian society he is religiously marginalised because of this. Along with the social and religious marginalisation associated with Ram and Salim, Nita is also gender marginalised through her religion.Nita’s religious and gender marginalisation is privileged through the foregrounding of the religion she was born into, where she was chosen to become a prostitute only because she was born a girl with more beauty than her sister. This is shown when Ram states (recounting what Nita told him about her religion) â€Å"She is a Bedia tribal girl from the Bhind district in Madhya Pradesh†¦ In her community, it is the tradition for one girl from each family to serve as a communal prostitute, called the Bedni.This girl earns money for her family, while the males spend their time drinking and playing cards. ‘This is why the birth of a girl is an occ asion to celebrate in our community, not a cause for gloom’†this foregrounds how in this one situation she is both gender marginalised for being a girl, and forced to become a prostitute, and religiously marginalised as this is not her choice, but the choice of her religion. Further, supporting the point of gender marginalisation against Nita in the book is the character Gudiya, who was abused by her father, Ram states â€Å"†¦ What was Gudiya’s crime?Simply that she was born a girl and Shantaram was her father†, this greatly privileges the aspect of marginalisation Swarup was aiming to depict and foregrounds that not only in that particular religion is gender marginalisation evident, but all over Indian society. In essence, throughout the novel Q&A by Vikas Swarup marginalisation is privileged through the foregrounding of the carefully created stories of mistreatment and abuse against several characters. This positions the reader to understand and a cknowledge the observation of Indian society and feel sympathetic for the representation of the untouchable class as interpreted in the novel.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Compare and contrast your expectations of college to the reality you Essay
Compare and contrast your expectations of college to the reality you have expierenced..describe both imagined and real expierenc - Essay Example University life is not just challenging and full of responsibilities expected to be completed on time but also presents an interesting social life to every student. One can meet a lot of people whom he/she could get along with, not to mention, learn from, not only with regards scholastic related topics but those that help widen an individual’s foresight as well. This information learned from outside the four walls of the classroom sometimes are even more valuable because they teach practical lessons, first hand experiences that open someone’s understanding to another level. As expected, papers and a lot of reading are parts of a student’s everyday life so that this did not present any problem but has actually encouraged this writer to be ready to whatever should be expected from the modern American student. It sure makes a person wholly developed when he accepts the challenges of university life because the mind is not the only aspect improved but includes the so cial, psychological and even physical aspect with the various activities opened to all students regardless of race or sex.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Programmable Logic Controllers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Programmable Logic Controllers - Assignment Example That is; you can blend and match the sorts of Input and Output gadgets to best suit your application. While Ladder Logic is the most usually utilized PLC programming dialect, it is not alone. The accompanying table arrangements of some of the dialects that are utilized to program a PLC (Bolton, 2006). A complete system may contain a large number of rungs, assessed in the arrangement. Ordinarily the PLC processor will then again examine every one of its inputs and redesign yields, and then assess the stepping stool rationale; information changes amid a project sweep will not be viable until the following I/O overhaul. A complete system output may take just a couple of milliseconds, much quicker than changes in the controlled procedure (Bolton, 2006). Programmable controllers fluctuate in their abilities for a "rung" of a step graph. Some just permit a solitary yield bit. There are normally breaking points to the quantity of arrangement contacts in line, and the quantity of branches that can be utilized. Every component of the rung is assessed consecutively. In the event that components change their state amid assessment of a rung, hard-to-analyze issues can be created, albeit here and there the strategy is valuable. A few usage constrained assessment from left-to-great and did not permit converse stream of a rationale signal to influence the yield (Mikulczyński, Samsonowicz and Więcławek, 1998). The command OUT has the purpose to output the functions of the PLC. This outputs the total function of a given rung. On the other hand, SET is a command that prepares an input or output pin to receive or send a given command. When the time for receiving the command or sending has elapsed. One must RESET in order to avoid the use of the pin for other functions and bring about the confusion of the command procedure (Mikulczyński, Samsonowicz and Więcławek, 1998). Simple to-computerized transformation is an electronic process in which a constantly
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Statistical Mathematics Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Statistical Mathematics - Statistics Project Example The peak is flat, which is characterized by kurtosis = -0.05. The peak is off centered; the distribution is slightly skewed to the right, which is marked by skewness = 0.06. Figure 2 illustrates histogram of daytime accidents. Visual inspection shows that the frequency distribution does not have a bell curve shape. The histogram does not have a peak and frequencies are not equally distributed. The peak is flat, which is characterized by kurtosis = -0.07. The peak is off centered; the distribution is moderately skewed to the right, which is marked by skewness = 0.42. Figure 3 illustrates histogram of total vehicles on the street. Visual inspection shows that the frequency distribution does not have a bell curve shape. The histogram resembles the back of a two-humped camel; it is close to a bimodal distribution. The histogram does not have a peak and frequencies are not equally distributed. The peak is flat, which is characterized by kurtosis = -0.88. The peak is off centered; the distribution is moderately skewed to the left, which is marked by skewness = -0.14. The assignment is using a data set that has three variables: daytime car accidents, nighttime car accidents and total observed cars in evaluating number of accidents (Table 1). . The distribution characters of the variable in statistics are measured through the calculation and analysis of central tendency and dispersion of the data set. The following section provides the analysis mentioned above. Each variable has twelve values. The assignment uses mean, mode, median, and midrange to study the central tendency of the data set. Table 2 describes the central tendency. The mean and median tell us about data those are on the right and left sides of theses values. For example, total cars mean is 450. In ascending orders, the set shows that five values are on the left, and seven values are on the right side of the average. When we compare the same set with the median value of
Monday, August 26, 2019
Foundation clinical skills for community care Essay
Foundation clinical skills for community care - Essay Example Abstract conceptualization allows me to understand what I have personally experienced by going through a deeper level of thinking and reasoning. On the other hand, it is also possible for me to learn by understanding such that whatever I have learned and understand out of observation and reflection will be directly used and applied within the hospital setting (Atherton, 2005). The five skill sets include the following: (1) the importance of communication in patient assessment and clinical recording; (2) tissue viability in wound care and pain management; (3) continence assessment and management particularly when a patient on antibiotic asked me to carry out OptiFlo ® S irrigation (hospital policy strictly prohibits OptiFlo ® S irrigation among patients who are on antibiotics); (4) importance of keeping up-to-date with knowledge and skills on the proper intravenous access and management; and (5) importance of good communication in palliative care. With the use of the Gibbs model of reflection, I will reflect upon the five skill sets which I have learned through experience. The aim of this study is to enable the learner to have the opportunity to reflect upon five skill sets that was personally experienced by the student within the hospital/clinical setting. By doing so, the student will be able to learn and understanding the importance of skill sets better. I have personally experienced assessing the patients’ health condition prior to patient admission and eventually recording the assessment on the patients’ individual charts. When assessing the patient, I feel that the patient trusted me by verbally stating out her chief complaints. Upon evaluating the entire scenario, I thought that it was literally good for the patient to trust me with her physical health condition even though she knows that I am a student nurse. Basically, the trust that the patient has given me enabled us to have a two-way communication during the patient
Sunday, August 25, 2019
ETHICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
ETHICS - Essay Example Engineering concerns with construction of structures and these structures are not used by their customers alone. The product of the work of engineers is not also solely used by his or her employers but by the customer and many other groups of people. This is particularly true in public structures where the structure will be used by the general public. Thus, unlike in any other profession, the stakeholders in engineering profession are many but the most important stakeholder of an engineer’s work is the general public and this explains why the first and foremost obligation of a registered professional engineer is to the satisfy public welfare. The stakeholders in engineering are not just those who invest monetarily in projects or construction works but more importantly, the public who uses those constructions where they rely on it for their use or for their safety. Thus, before anything or anyone else, the public’s welfare must be considered first in the profession of
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Summary Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 19
Summary - Article Example The Commission’s argument is that, Abercrombie practiced intentional discrimination for failing to accommodate Elauf’s religion practice. They also claim that Title VII favors all religious practices, and they should treat them fairly and not worse than others. Contrary Abercrombie argue that the claims against them must not be raised as a disparate-treatment claim but as a disparate-impact claim. Primarily, Abercrombie argues that the applicant cannot claim of disparate treatment without first revealing the employer’s actual knowledge of the applicant’s need for an accommodation ( The issues raised concerns violation of Title VII. The Commission claims that Abercrombie has increased conflicts among religious practices. According to Title VII, the law prohibits an employer from refusing to hire an individual because of religion affiliation, the difference in race or nationality ( Also, it is unlawful to segregate the applicants for employment. Therefore, such practice will limit their chances of getting employed, or it will affect their status as employees. The outcome of these issues is depicted when the court is urged to adopt the Tenth Circuit rule. Abercrombie claims that they have been allocated the burden of religious conflicts, and this led to the case being reversed. However, in the District Court, EEOC were victorious but the Tenth Circuit reversed the case. Therefore, the Tenth Circuit decided to award judgment to Abercrombie. The verdict stipulates that failure-to-accommodate liability add value only in cases where the employee provides knowledge of his or her need to be
Measuring customers satisfaction Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Measuring customers satisfaction - Research Paper Example The importance of customer satisfaction is that loyal customers are more likely to come back to the same business and this improves the profitability of the company due to increased sales which comes from loyal customers (Tarasi, Bolton, Gustafasson and Walker, 2012). They are likely to come back even if the price is lower on the competitor’s side due to satisfaction they get from their supplier. The loyal customers are likely to recommend to their friends about the satisfaction they get from their supplier hence increasing the customer base of a business leading to realization of more profits. Acquiring a new customer is 20 times harder than maintaining a customer hence its prudent and costly for a business to look into ways of acquiring new customers (Tunner, 2012). Measuring customer satisfaction using American Customer Satisfaction Model (ACSM) This is a cause and effect model with indices for drivers of satisfaction on the left side, satisfaction in the centre and outcome resulting from satisfaction on the right side and both are weighed with several questions within a model. The drivers of customer satisfaction include customer expectation together with perceived quality and perceived values, which are important aspects in measuring customer satisfaction. The questions assesscustomer evaluations of the determinants of each index which are reported on 0 to 100 scales depending on various ways the customer responds in relation to goods and services from the company. The figure below represents the ACSI Model Adopted from From the above figure, it can be deduced that ACSI has three important component that determine its measurements and they are perceived quality, perceived value and customer expectations. Customer expectation measures customer anticipation of the quality of a company’s product and services and it represents prior consumption experience and a forecast of company’s ability to deliver high quality products in future. The customer’s complaints are measured as a percentage of the respondents who complain and this is used to gauge the various responses in customer satisfaction index (Angelova and Zekiri, 2011). Measuring customer expectation using King County Method This plan establishes three cross cutting guidelines that relate the customer satisfaction, need and the need to improve services in response to customers. This method id service oriented, results focused and innovative in the way that learning from experiences ambles seeking of new results. This method of customer satisfaction focuses on customers, employees and managers hence informing opportunities for general improvements (King County, 2013). The following diagram represents King County Process of Customer Satisfaction measurement Adopted from Types of industries There are various types of industries on the type of services they provide to their customers over time. Primary industries are concerned with reproduction of goods and are nature oriented industry since they require very little human effort. Manufacturing industries are engaged in transforming raw materials into finished products by the used of machines combined with manpower in a highly specialized environment. Service industries are co
Friday, August 23, 2019
Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Portfolio - Essay Example However, 40 percent of the people suggested that businesses perform better when the government is n control. Apparently, 52 percent of the population believes that a company that makes profits in all financial years satisfies the shareholders, customers and employees. However, 32 percent believe that a company making profits is a sign that it is exploiting its customers. Consequentially, issues have been looming over control of public utilities like energy and water. According to polls, 61 percent believed that the public sector was suited to control these public utilities as compared to 26 percent that supported private sector controlling these public utilities. Though the people have diverse opinions on a number of issues, when they were asked what the government should do, 49 percent stated that the government should help protect jobs, ensure there is full employment and increase spending power in the economy. However, 41 percent preferred the government to lower prices, lower inf lation and lower government borrowing. 2. Public Trust in Government MPs stated that the UK statistics authority has jeopardised the government statistics. A recent report stated that the UK statistics authority needed to work with utmost clarity and gain strict control measures while handling the data in departments. Andrew Dilnot was commended for highlighting the misinterpretation of official statistics and mentioned that the organisation should take an initiative of having greater control over the integrity and quality of the data. In addition to this, Dilnot stated that the concerned departments should limit pre-release of the data to ministers as it jeopardised the integrity and quality of the data. Apparently, it was explicitly expressed that the departments were â€Å"finding ways around†with the data, which was on the contrary according to the code of practice for government statistics. One of the recommendations from the report was that, the data should be presente d in a clearer and accessible manner. Secondly, the authority should improve its website as it had several concerns. In wrapping up the point, a respondent stated that there should be fine tuning of the current governance arrangement, which would be an appropriate manoeuvre. 3. Body Language Body language is a form of communications where nonverbal signs are used. Experts state that body language makes a larger part of communication, which includes facial expression and body movements. Apparently, most of the things that people do not say can be conveyed to the audience and pass volumes of information. Researchers have stated that body language accounts for a better part of communication which is between 50 to 70 percent. Therefore, the audience should understand body language to get the full information that is relayed. However, it is also important to remember focusing on other cues in the context. Similarly, there is a need to look at the signals as a group rather than focusing o n a single signal. This could lead to misinterpretation of the information that is relayed. 4. Current News In recent times, the Syria issue has been a news item in most of the media bulletins all over the globe. According to recent statistics, over 6,400 refugees have been recorded to have flocked to Jordan in fear of the unending violence. In recent time, Britain has provided a whooping ? 89.5
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Preparing and Writing Essay Example for Free
Preparing and Writing Essay A basic key to producing good essays is to start early and work steadily over an extended period. Build in time for distractions and problems (e.g. illness or disk failure), and allow for deadline bunching. Plan to complete well before the deadline to allow yourself some leeway. As a rough guide, you might allow three weeks for work on a course essay. The deadline is intended to help you with time management make sure you adhere to it. Reflect on the feedback obtained on your previous essays. What strengths and weaknesses were identified? Think about how best to overcome the weaknesses. For example, if your essays have been criticised for limited knowledge of the literature or lack of depth, this may indicate that you need to devote more preparation time and increase or change the breadth and depth of your reading; if criticised for poor structure or limited relevance, you are likely to benefit from spending more time on careful planning and editing/reorganising the final draft. Using course essays to work on your weaknesses can help you produce a better essay as well as help to improve your general writing skills. Look more: how to write a process paper Do some preliminary reading to help you choose an essay topic. The reading lists for the essays provide guidance on sources of preliminary reading. Generally it is useful to choose reading that is relatively recent, this is likely to include a summary of earlier work, some of which you may explore in more detail later. It can also be helpful at an early stage to make use of EconLit and the Library catalogue to check on the availability and nature of supplementary reading on a topic. As should be obvious, you should try to choose a topic that you find interesting. This will help motivate you to work on the essay and is also likely to make the end product more interesting for the reader/marker. Note that interest tends to increase as you work on a topic, providing you don’t leave it all to the last minute. Once you have chosen a topic (or even to help you choose from a short-list of topics), use your initial reading to produce a draft outline plan of your essay. The general advice on what makes a good essay, set out below, should help you to produce an effective plan. A basic plan would typically divide the essay/dissertation into a series of logically ordered sections. This skeleton structure can then be filled out by fitting ideas, relevant references, work and information required, into the planned sections (making use of references from preliminary reading, EconLit etc.) Taking time to construct an effective annotated outline plan should help you to: †¢ Produce a well-structured and coherent essay. †¢ Organise the subsequent work on your essay/dissertation and plan your study time more effectively. †¢ Read actively and more effectively making you think about how further reading fits into your plan and, possibly, adapting your plan in response to new information or ideas. Although the ingredients of a good essay can vary between courses and topics, the following broad guidelines are generally applicable. Structure: †¢ Ensure that your essay/dissertation has a clear logical structure. †¢ Use the introduction to motivate the topic, set it in perspective and outline the structure of the body of your essay to help the reader follow the argument. †¢ Use the conclusions to draw together the argument, provide an overall assessment and, possibly, indicate areas that might be developed further if space allowed. General content: †¢ The primary focus should be on analysis, not description or presentation of information. †¢ Make it clear that you have a good understanding of the relevant basic literature. But avoid devoting too much space to repeating standard textbook material. Generally you can make clear that you understand the basics in the context of presenting a more advanced or deeper analysis. †¢ Be innovative think of an interesting and different angle on the topic; draw on ideas from other courses (including non-economics courses) or general reading; go beyond the standard literature by making good use of EconLit or other reference sources; be prepared to challenge standard approaches. This is likely to make the essay more interesting for you and the reader/marker. †¢ Remember it is your essay, it should reflect your informed thought and judgements on the topic, not simply reiterate or paraphrase the views of others. Analysis and models: †¢ The appropriate mode of analysis can vary between courses and topics. In the vast majority of cases economics essays will involve the use of an explicit model or models. Formal models help to provide a clear logical structure, which is a major reason for their use in economics. †¢ When presenting a model, you need to make clear that you understand the model. This involves more than simply copying a set of equations from an article or book. To signal your understanding you might for example: provide an intuitive explanation of the overall model or key steps in solving the model; work out some steps in a model’s solution explicitly, when (as is often the case) this is not done explicitly in the original source; develop and work through a variation of the model not developed explicitly in the reading; compare and contrast the model with other related models; assess the assumptions used and the limitations they pose; apply the model judiciously to a particular situation. Presentation and style: †¢ Grammar and spelling matter. Leave plenty of time for editing the final draft to improve grammar. Use a spellchecker, but remember that spell checkers do not pick up all mistakes. Incorrect spelling of names and jargon can be particularly irritating. †¢ Be precise and concise. Conciseness allows you to include more within the word limit. †¢ Think about how to present data or information effectively. Tables or figures can be useful presentational tools. †¢ References should be presented accurately and consistently. See the lists of preliminary readings for a suggested standard style. Citations and plagiarism: †¢ Quotations should be used judiciously, if at all, to support or illustrate an argument. The source of any quotation should be clearly stated, including the page reference. †¢ Data sources should be clearly cited. †¢ When summarising or describing someone’s work the source or sources should be clearly stated. †¢ The University of Edinburgh’s Undergraduate Assessment Regulations state: â€Å"Plagiarism is the act of copying or including in one’s own work, without adequate acknowledgement, intentionally or unintentionally, the work of another. It is academically fraudulent and an offence against University discipline.†(, para. 14.2) †¢ The University of Edinburgh’s Guidance on the Avoidance of Plagiarism for Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate Students states: â€Å"Plagiarism is the act of including in one’s own work the work of another person, without adequate acknowledgement of having done so, either deliberately or unintentionally.†( ) †¢ The Undergraduate Assessment Regulations add â€Å"The innocent misuse or citation of material without formal and proper acknowledgement can constitute plagiarism, even when there is no deliberate intent to cheat. Work may be plagiarised if it consists of close paraphrasing or unacknowledged summary of a source, as well as word-for-word transcription. Any failure adequately to acknowledge or properly reference other sources in submitted work could lead to lower marks and to disciplinary action being taken.†( , para. 14.2) †¢ The three preceding bullet points avoid plagiarism, by properly acknowledging sources (but would not, on their own, constitute a good essay or dissertation). Most study skills books contain further advice on essay writing. The Main Library Reading Room has an extensive collection of study skills books, which contain advice on essay writing. Several books are devoted specifically to writing skills, for example:
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Analysing and Applying Business Process Reengineering
Analysing and Applying Business Process Reengineering In the first part of this assignment the meaning of business process reengineering (BPR) is analysed. In more details, it is outlined how business processes might be reengineered to improve company or organizational performance. The themes covered are: The importance of BPR in organizations The objectives of implementing BPR The specific techniques that can be used (like process mapping) The required training The possible problems in implementation (like resistance) As about the second part, a critical evaluation is made concerning the statement of McCabe (2004: 851): BPR does not challenge hierarchical authority, but instead attempts to reconfigure authority and power relations so as to obscure them through the language of consensus. In this section of the assignment it is critically evaluated the proposition that BPR in fact does very little to question the fundamental tenets of hierarchical control and in several important respects simply reinforces them. ANALYSIS OF PART 1. The term of BPR Today the business world is characterized by unpredictable changes, under the global competition and the customers demands. To be successful in such an environment, a firm must operate with speed, flexibility, low overheads and a clearly defined customer focus. The term business process reengineering (BPR) refers to an approach that is used by organizations seeking improvements in their business performance (Anonymous, 2007). The importance of BPR There is a series of driving forces, which trigger companies to undertake reengineering projects. These are customers, competition, change, cost, technology and shareholders and they lead to a requirement of new organizational structures and an alteration of the traditional way of doing business. Organizations consider BPR as an important tool of organizational improvement, as it helps them achieve the radical change necessary for todays volatile business environment. Additionally, BPR stresses the importance of linkages within an organisation. Though its structure integrated processes are generated concerning the nature of peoples jobs and how people are grouped and organized in the working environment. What is more, through BPR peoples jobs become multidimensional instead of narrow and traditional task orientation. When the concept of process is promoted in the BPR, cross boundary teamwork is incorporated and process shifts the goal focus on performance measurement and managerial r esponsibility from a function or responsibility center to an activity derivative process concept. So, BPR defines process teams as an important element in the business environment where work becomes multidimensional, substantive and more rewarding (Anonymous, 2007). It can be concluded that the importance of BPR is found at the fact that it is a dynamic tool for improving operations. BPR provides a process view of the organisation and a way of improving processes. Using this approach a company will be organized based on processes. As a result, processes are simplified, flows are improved and non value added work is eliminated (Schroeder, 2000). BPR is a complete life cycle approach. This provides the scope for problem identification and also solutions to implement the successful business operations. BPR can significantly improve cost, quality, service and speed simultaneously, so important results are provided to customers (Thyagarajan and Khatibi, 2004). It can be supported that organisations should focus on BPR for three key reasons: Firstly, there is much to be gained by improving business process. Secondly, business processes can be controlled and finally business processes are comparatively more important than production processes (Anonymous, 2007). The objectives of BPR BPR is a fundamental element in improving business performance and profitability. The BPR objectives refer to: improved operational performance, by closing performance gaps improved competencies, by closing skill and competency gaps reduced costs and manpower savings, by application of management analysis tools and techniques improved customer services or employee quality of life increased customer satisfaction increased productivity in the workplace continuous improvement of services quality delivered quality goods at competitive prices in a timely fashion (Anonymous, 2010a). The technical tools used in BPR There are different improvement techniques that can be adopted to analyse the BPR. These techniques enable the organization to understand, simplify and improve processes that already exist, not only to meet, but also to exceed the expectations of customers and provide a coordinating discipline for overall performance improvement (Anonymous, 2007). The selection of technical tools for BPR depends upon: (i) the nature of decision areas, (ii) the nature of data to be analysed, and (iii) the background of users. Table 1. The specific techniques that can be used in BPR Areas to be reengineered Techniques used in BPR BPR strategies Decision support system and Knowledge-based models Business process system design Analytical models such as queuing and simulations models Project management PERT/CPM and Flow Charts Reengineering business process Activity-based analysis and workflow model including flow chart Design of information system for reengineering business process Object-oriented models and programming Understanding of the business process system IDEF Models, EFQM Models, Petri-Net Models (Gunasekaran and Kobu, 2002). Process Mapping is a technique known as Process Charting or Flow Charting and is one of the oldest, simplest and most valuable techniques for streamlining work. It is one of the fastest ways to lower errors, increase productivity and affect customer service. It generally follows these steps: Choose a process. Assemble a team. Map out the way work is currently done. Identify problem areas. Brainstorm solutions. Evaluate action steps. Assign responsibilities. Create a master plan. Follow through. (Anonymous, 2010b). Process Mapping is an important tool in examining work flow and customer supplier relationships, which is the foundation for appropriate improvements. Additionally, it is a cost effective training tool for everyone interesting in increasing the efficiency of their organization and improving communication. (Damelio, 1996). Many organizations use this technique as a part of their reengineering projects, as it provides a variety of benefits (figure 1). Figure 1. The main benefits of implementing process mapping technique (Image available at the website, accessed 8-10-2010) The BPR training Implementing successfully BPR in an organisations environment is not an easy task, as the appeared changes require changes in attitudes and deep involvement of workforce both in individual and team level. As a result, the fact that a major aspect of BPR is human factor, it makes obvious that appropriate training is required in order to implement successfully BPR in the business environment. Companies should ensure that their employees are suitably motivated and the technology required for training is available in implementing BPR. Training is one of the most frequently used approaches to changing the organisations mindset. A company might offer the suitable training programs so as to effectively implement BPR processes (Daft, 2006) According to White (2010) business process reengineering education and training can come in a variety of ways, including: Learning more about process design at a graduate level. Using online continuing education options for further education. Attending seminars that cover various aspects of business process reengineering. The possible problems in BPR implementation Various radical changes occur when BPR takes place. Hammer and Champy (1993, cited in Anonymous, 2007) have listed the various kinds of changes that occur when a company re-engineers its business process. A shift from functional departments to process teams Job change A reversal of the power relationship: from superordinate to subordinate empowerment . Today markets are characterized by a high flow of information and companies face competitive business environments. Under this reality, organizations must follow effective strategies concerning change management (Robbins, 2001). BPR has to do with improving company or organizational performance, so its implementation requires the changes mentioned above often in a rapid way of implementation in attitudes and deep involvement of workforce both in individual and team level. These changes often refer to redefinition of charts structure and/ or redesign of the workforces roles and responsibilities. The new situation can bring resistance to change, so managers should examine carefully the way BPR implementation will take place. Managers should support understanding and trust concerning the new situation and minimize uncertainty within the workplace. The suggestions for dealing with the possible resistance to change are the following: Determining the goals of BPR implementation. Establishing a clear view about the changes that will occur in the workplace. Applying a direct communication method between managers and employees Checking the procedures of re-engineering, so as to deal with possible problems and find solutions. Focusing on performance measures and compensation shifts Enhancing customer focus as about value change Showing an appropriate management behaviour, through control and supervision Under these suggestions the changes in the business process, lob and structures, management and measurement systems, values and beliefs will result in a flatter organizational structure. As a consequence all the aspects (people, jobs, managers and values) are linked together and the organization will become more responsive in BPR implementation (Anonymous, 2007). ANALYSIS OF PART 2. In this section it will be critically evaluated the statement of McCabe (2004: 851): BPR does not challenge hierarchical authority, but instead attempts to reconfigure authority and power relations so as to obscure them through the language of consensus. In order to make this evaluation, it is essential to introduce the issue of hierarchical authority in an organizations environment. Hierarchical structures are present in most organizations today. Smaller organizations may have only two levels, while larger ones may have a vast number of levels. These structures are used as a method of communications and as the lines of authority. In an organizational environment, the hierarchy mainly apart of a singular/group of power at the top with subsequent levels of power beneath them. Members of such structures chiefly communicate with their immediate superior and with their immediate subordinates. Hierarchical authority structures are providing the opportunity for greater decision-making width for individuals and more flexible definitions of job activities. This is a challenge to existing organizational forms (Zhao, Rosson and Purao, 2007). In a hierarchical organisation employees are ranked at various levels within the organisation, each level is one above the other. At each stage in the chain, one person has a number of workers directly under them, within their span of control. A tall hierarchical organisation has many levels and a flat hierarchical organisation will only have a few (Anonymous, 2010d). At figure 2 a traditional hierarchy is given. Figure 2. A traditional hierarchy diagram (Hierarchical Organisation, available at the website, accessed 18-10-2010) CHIEF EXECUTIVE MANAGER MANAGER MANAGER ASSISTANT MANAGER ASSISTANT MANAGER ASSISTANT MANAGER STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF It is obvious that hierarchies within control systems are a clear need for business environments. Without some form of hierarchy, a low level of control can create numerous problems in an organization. There ate two kinds of control systems: flat and hierarchical. Hierarchical architectures have a more indirect coupling of perceptions to actions through a hierarchical control structure. Both kinds of control systems have benefits, but hierarchical structure can support faster learning and a better way to deal with resistance to change (Digney, 1998) Control is a fundamental managerial function. It is the process of regulating organizational activities so that actual performance conforms to expected organizational standards and goals and ensures that necessary corrective action is taken. In fact, control is ensuring work accomplishment according to plans. It is a process of ensuring that activities are producing desired results. We can support that control is an executive function involving three elements, i.e., standards, evaluative and corrective action. BPR is the latest wave in a series of management initiatives to increase managerial control (Gupta, 2010). According to the issues covered in the analysis of part one of this assignment, business process reengineering is proved to be a revolutionary, radical change approach to improving organizational performance through transformation. BPR methodologies aim for a flatter organizational structure, promoting the development of empowered process workers who are encouraged to use information technology in radically new ways to carry out business operations. In BPR approaches, empowerment is inflicted by leadership changing worker values and through the use of information technologies enables managerial control. Empowerment through BPR does not necessarily release control but does change the way control is exercised. Authority is still enforced through hierarchical control of culture. The reengineering approach polishes the management of power relations, when attempts are made to change traditional power structures and everyday power relations through the flattening of the hierarchy (Sayer an d Harvey, 1997). The introduction of reengineering introduces a new relationship of power in the form of a discipline which the reengineering sustains through discourse control. In this new situation any discipline comes with its structures, its hierarchies, its inspections, exercises and methods of training and conditioning (Foucault, 1980, p. 158). BPR is an approach that supports transformation with the notion of producing the flatter organization. Hierarchy and control are still promoted and within BPR, the emphasis lies on changing the formal patterns and using mechanisms of control to change the informal (Sayer and Harvey, 1997). BPR is a strong tool of managerial control. Controlling is the fourth function of management process (the other functions are planning, organizing and leading). Through BPR managers can identify whether the organization is on target towards its goals and can make better corrections if necessary. In BPR, information technology is generally considered as playing a role as enabler of new forms of organizing and collaborating. New information technology can help managers provide needed organizational control without strict top down constraints. A representative example is that of Cisco Systems: By using information technology to coordinate and monitor several aspects of operations, the company keeps tabs on employee and organizational performance without maintaining daily authoritarian control over workers. Cisco employees have amazing freedom to make decision and take actions, but they also know that top managers keep a close eye on what is going on throughout the company (Daft, 2006). Most businesses try to take advantage of BPR concerning dealing with the fundamental tenets of hierarchical control. BPR assumes radical redesign of business processes. Many processes simply can not be further improved in small steps and require a complete redesign in order to improve them in a major way. Hierarchical control is a fundamental element in this effort and managers who desire to organize around outcomes, have people processed their own information, put the decision point where the work is performed and build control into the process, should support the view that BPR can reinforce the fundamental tenets of hierarchical control. BPR is a management system of forced, speedy culture change, highly linked to hierarchical control. In fact it does very little to question the fundamental tenets of hierarchical control and in several important respects simply reinforces them. CONCLUSIONS Business Process Reengineering includes changes concerning both structures and procedures defined in a business environment. Human, organizational, technological dimensions that characterize an organization can change through BPR. Using this approach, organizations can seek improvements in their business performance. As it was analysed at the first part of this assignment, organizations consider BPR as an important tool of organizational improvement, as it helps them achieve the radical change necessary for todays volatile business environment. Additionally, BPR stresses the importance of linkages within an organization. What is more, through BPR peoples jobs become multidimensional instead of narrow and traditional task orientation. In result, the importance of BPR is found at the fact that it is a dynamic tool for improving operations. BPR is a fundamental element in improving business performance and profitability. The main BPR objectives refer to improved operational performance, improved competencies, reduced costs and manpower savings, improved customer services or employee quality of life, increased customer satisfaction, increased productivity in the workplace, continuous improvement of services quality and delivered quality goods at competitive prices in a timely fashion. There are different improvement techniques that can be adopted to analyse the BPR. Among them, Process Mapping is a technique known as Process Charting or Flow Charting and is one of the oldest, simplest and most valuable techniques for streamlining work. It is a cost effective training tool for everyone interesting in increasing the efficiency of their organization and improving communication and is highly preferred by enterprises today. Implementing successfully BPR in an organisations environment is not an easy task, as a major aspect of BPR is human factor. So, companies should ensure that their employees are suitably motivated and the technology required for training is available in implementing BPR. Various radical changes occur when BPR takes place, so managers should carefully examine the strategies in change management so as to achieve the best efficiency and deal appropriately with the possible resistance to change that BPR will bring. The second part included a critical evaluation of the statement of McCabe (2004: 851): BPR does not challenge hierarchical authority, but instead attempts to reconfigure authority and power relations so as to obscure them through the language of consensus. According to the relevant analysis, within control systems are a clear need for business environments. Without some form of hierarchy, a low level of control can create numerous problems in an organization. Hierarchical structure can support faster learning and a better way to deal with resistance to change, so BPR supports the management initiatives to increase managerial control. . In BPR approaches, empowerment is inflicted by leadership changing worker values and through the use of information technologies enables managerial control. Empowerment through BPR does not necessarily release control but does change the way control is exercised. Most businesses should try to take advantage of BPR concerning dealing with the fundamental tenets of hierarchical control. This is because BPR is a management system of forced, speedy culture change, highly linked to hierarchical control. In fact it does very little to question the fundamental tenets of hierarchical control and in several important respects simply reinforces them.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Pleasure Image Of Honolulu Tourism Essay
The Pleasure Image Of Honolulu Tourism Essay When we say Hawaii, the first things that come to our mind are nice weather, sandy beaches and relaxation. For my assignment I chose the capital and largest city of Hawaii, Honolulu. The reason of choosing this heaven on earth as the convention destination is not only because of its personality as the city of pleasure, but also because Honolulu represents an economic centre and principal port of the Hawaiian Islands where business can be conducted. Due to the fact that Hawaii ranks among the top 3 destinations for leisure travel in the US, Honolulu is a location that attracts a possible event clientele. From the pleasure side, Honolulu has an agreeable year-round climate, so planned events could be held at any given time of the year. Due to the fact that Honolulu has the lowest rate of violent crime of any US city, visitors can feel safe and secure. Besides enjoying the great climate and swimming on the magnificent beaches, the spectacular views of active volcanoes on the outlying islands also represent an attraction. The wealth of natural beauty combined with the splendid volcanoes offers a truly great choice for tourists. However, regardless of all the beauty of the volcanoes, tourists primarily are coming because of sun, sea and beaches. Several beaches are covered with black and green sand, which leaves no one indifferent. Their banks are covered with finest black and green stones, which are incurred by volcanic activity. The color of the beach combined with the beautiful blue oceans is unforgettable. Honolulu is a popular tourist destination and Surfers Paradise. The most famous and popular local beach is Waikiki Beach. Waikiki Beach has numerous hotels. Above the town rises the volcanic crater Diamond Head. From the top of the volcano is a beautiful view of Honolulu and surrounding areas. A further tourist attraction is the famous military base of Pearl Harbor. Additionally, in the surrounding areas are bamboo forests. Additional places of interest are: Aloha Tower, is described as the beautiful 10-story Aloha Tower, one of Hawaiis best-known landmarks. It is built in 1926 when all travels were done by boat. The tower was created in order to make an impression for tourists during entering and leaving the harbour. Kapiolani is Honolulus largest park, which contains a zoo, an aquarium, and the well -known Waikiki Shell structure. The Honolulu Botanical Gardens which contains four gardens in and around the city. The Arizona Memorial, for the 1,100 who died during the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The University of Hawaii The Bishop Museum, well-known for its studies of Polynesia. The Honolulu Academy of Arts, known for its Asian and Hawaiian collections. Kawaiahao Church (1841), where funerals for Hawaiian monarchs and nobility were held. Iolani Palace, the previous home of Hawaiis kings, which represents the only royal palace in the United States. The factors that affected the citys growth as the business centre of Hawaii are: geo-political position of Honolulu; tourism development; diversification of industry; development of harbour facilities; the achievement of an international airport; constructions of luxury hotels; natural habitats of endemic species; ores; forests and volcanoes. Because of all this, Honolulu attracts a large number of tourists yearly. The Hawaiians make several hundred billion dollars annually selling sea, sun, palm trees and its superior climate. THE BUSINESS IMAGE OF HONOLULU From the business point of view, Honolulu has the remarkable 1.1 million-square-foot Hawaiian Convention Centre. Moreover my research indicates that Honolulu has hosted conferences and events for many well-known corporations, including: The National Psychological Association National Medical Association Hawaiian State Department of Health As a result of developed tourism, the population is focused on tourism and hospitality. During the past 100 years and due to its many advantages, the island attracted investors from the United States to invest considerable sums of money in its development. Honolulus current industry foundations include tourism, followed by: federal defence expenditures; agricultural exports (chiefly pineapples); telecommunications and mining. Moreover, worthwhile mentioning industries of Honolulu are: jewellery; printing and publishing; clothing; food and beverages; rubber products; construction materials and electronics and computer equipment. Additionally, Honolulu represents the regional headquarters for many well-known companies such as: Hawaiian Airlines; Bank of Hawaii; Oahu Transit Services, Inc. and Kaiser Permanente Medical Group. In addition, this city has several colleges and universities, including the University of Hawaii-Manoa, Hawaii Pacific University and Chaminade University of Honolulu. MEETING SERVICE PROVIDERS Based on my research extra meeting service providers in Honolulu are: The Catering Connection Unlimited Inc. represents the Award Winning Catering Connection Unlimited. It offers detailed execution, superior quality, creative culinary creations and complete beverage services. Creations in Catering represent Food Services famous for creating and producing successful on-premise and off-premise catered functions and special events. Creations in Catering is Known in the industry for producing award-winning presentations, Creations in Catering has gained recognition on the international, national and local levels for its expertise and creativity. Production Hawaii is Event Rental Dà ©cor service which offers event equipment such as Clear-span structures, Canopy tents, Stages, Portable floors, Carpeting, Dance floors, Tables, Chairs, Bleachers, Air conditioners, and Pipe Drape Trade Show Booths. Anthony Calleja Photography is Production Design Service by a professional photographer and artist whose specialities include Commercial, Corporate, Events, Banquet Dinners, Conventions, Product, and Stage Performances. CONVENTION AND VISITOR BUREAUS SERVICES Convention and visitor bureaus are organizations which offer to the meeting planners access to a variety of services, packages and value-added extras through meeting preparation, planning and applying. The main functions of CVBs are locating meeting places, checking hotel availabilities, arranging events. The advantages that CVB facilities offer to meeting planers are: Access to a range of services and value-added extras through a bureau. Help for developing the convention schedule through the creation of pre and post-conference activities, spouse tours, and hosting of special events. Direction for products and services that will work best to accommodate clients needs and budgets. Mediatising and matching meeting needs to the products, services, and speakers available in a community. Connecting planners with the suppliers, from motorcoach companies and caterers to off-site entertainment venues. Offering information about services and facilities in the destination. Informing about local events with which your meeting may beneficially coincide (like festivals or sporting events). Providing hotel room count and meeting space statistics, keeping a convention/meetings/events calendar in order to help planners avoid conflicts and/or space shortages. Matching properties to specific meeting requirements and budgets. Work with city government to get special permits and to cut through formalities. Some of the specific services that can be offered to the meeting planners are as well: collateral material ; help with on-site logistics, including registration ; housing bureaus ; supplementary services, for example production companies, catering, transportation ; speakers and local educational opportunities ; security ; coordination of local transportation and access to special venues. Hawaii Visitors And Convention Bureau 2270 Kalakaua Avenue Suite 801 Honolulu HI 96815 Listing/VenueOverview.aspx?ofrgstub=cf55fb69-f5cf-4d15-8028-d9b5b66451aapnum=1so=1returl=%2fRFP%2fVenues.aspx%3fma%3d47%26vtt%3d1%26wt.mc_id%3dDG_Right_Nav%26vt%3d32ckm=L1JGUC9WZW51ZXMuYXNweD9tYT00NyZ2dHQ9MSZ3dC5tY19pZD1ER19SaWdodF9OYXYmdnQ9MzI= 21.275800 -157.823400 3 CVB According to the Hawaiian Visitors and Convention Bureau description, Hawaii is world renowned destination of breathtaking natural beauty. Despite the image of a dream destination, Honolulu is a centre of international commerce and business meetings. AVAILABLE HOTELS AND CONFERENCE CENTRES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS My research points towards available hotels and conference centres as follows: The Hawaiian Imin International Conference Centre is designed for an international audience, offering outstanding resources to produce successful events of all kinds. The Hawaiian Convention Centre is easily located closest to the hotel-plentiful Waikiki Beach, which offers more than 30,000 hotel rooms. The centre is located 7.5 miles of The Honolulu International Airport .The Hawaii Convention Centre gives to the guests opportunity to take pleasure in Hawaii from inside. As it described more than 60 percent of the centre is landscaped with palm trees and green tropical plants. The Centre includes tropical garden and waterfall. Worthwhile mentioning is the fact that the centre was voted the most beautiful convention centre in the world by the International Association of Exhibition Management and is the winner of nine consecutive Prime Site Awards. The convention center has nearly 150,000 square feet of meeting space, cutting-edge technology and delicious Hawaiian cuisine. Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach Resort and Spa according to the description represents an ideal place for planning an event by reason of premier meeting rooms set in the heart of a tropical island getaway. The hotel as it is described features 19,500 square feet of function space, 2,050 square feet of pre function space, and 9,800 square feet of exhibit space. Moana Surfrider, A Westin Resort Waikiki Beach is located in the heart of Waikiki, with short walking distance from shopping, dining, and attractions. It includes more than 12,000 square feet of gathering space provides the perfect setting for parties, weddings, or business functions. As it described, there are eight meeting rooms ranging from the intimate 780-square-foot Board Room to our 4,340-square-foot Ballroom, which can host a reception for up to 300 guests. Outdoor spaces include the simply outstanding Diamond Head Lawn Terrace with breathtaking views of Diamond Head and the Pacific Ocean. The beautiful Roof Garden and Roof Garden Lanais are ideal for small to mid-size meetings and receptions for up to 50, and our private beach perfect for a sunset wedding for up to 150 guests. Best Western The Plaza Hotel is located just half mile from Honolulu International Airport and Honolulu Military Bases.The hotel is nestled between downtown Honolulu, Waikiki and the military bases, close to some of Honolulus major business districts. The hotel has four different size banquet facilities, enabling to accommodate from 10 to 200 guests. Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki Hawaii offers excellent facilities and services as well as the perfect location for events. The Hilton Waikiki Prince Kuhio hotel is located in the heart of Waikiki, closed to the famous Waikiki Beach. Apart the good location, the hotel has flexible meeting facilities of 17,000 sq ft. The Doubletree Alana Hotel Waikiki is located at the entrance to Waikiki in Hawaii. As it described, hotel is four miles from downtown Honolulu, and short walk from Hawaii Convention Centre. Turtle Bay Resort represents a breathtaking background for meetings and events. Featuring 31,000 square feet of function and pre-function space it represents an ideal destination for events. THE OBSTACLES OF HONOLULU The biggest problem for the local population is constant volcanic activity, which often forced population to change residence and move the entire settlement away from active volcanoes and earthquakes, which are the results of their activities. Furthermore, a double-edged sword is the major waves that sometimes reach the height of 25 ft. Waves are known to have destroyed the coast, particularly these associated with frequent hurricanes and tropical storms. One of the disadvantages of Honolulu is the high cost of living. Moreover, according to information given by tourists experiences, Honolulu has more cars than the Roads and Highways which can cause massive traffic. In my opinion, some of the obstacles, such as the high cost of living and the issues with the considerable traffic need to be addressed and solved. From my point of view, the costs of living should be decreased, as well as the number of cars. Furthermore, by decreasing the number of cars and developing a more organized traffic system, road congestions may be avoided. CONCLUSION: Conclusively, Honolulu interested me as a location for pleasure tourism and as an economic centre as well; what I gained from my research was that I went deeper into the analysis of the city and its facilities available for conventions and meetings. Additionally, based on my research and looking at Honolulu at the point of view of meeting planner, I learnt a lot about city facts and facilities available for organizing conventions and meeting, moreover Meeting service provides, available hotels and conference centre for special events and convention and visitor bureaus services. Feb. 6th, 2010
Monday, August 19, 2019
Essay example --
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) or mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is one of the most common diseases in the world with more than 1.7 million Americans suffering from one each year, making it the most frequently occurring brain disorder today (1 mond paper). mTBI is defined as a brief change in mental status or consciousness due to a blow or jolt to the head (project) and can cause a wide range of symptoms, ranging from short to long term and those symptoms affecting cognition, emotion, sleep, and the physical well-being of the person with a TBI. Neuroplasticity involves changes in neural pathways and synapses that make up for changes in behavior, the environment, and resulting body injury. It can occur on many levels ranging from small scale effects, like cellular changes, to grand scale effects, like cortical remapping. (Wiki?) A consequence of this effect is that brain activity associated with a specific function can move to a different area of the brain to make up for the deficiency in a particular function. This process is thought to occur normally throughout the brain and recently, it has been thought to occur in response to brain injury as well. Researchers are interested in the differential involvement of brain regions and the alteration of cortical networks due to these injuries (slob paper). Due to the inability to create new neurons in the brain, researchers have proposed a hypothesis that synaptic networks re-organize based on the task and previous experience to meet task demands. This paper explores the hypothesi s that persons with TBI recruit additional cerebral resources, the process of cortical rearrangement, to meet demands placed on the brain. The original overview of this hypothesis was that cortical changes ... ...with larger sample sizes so that sample subtypes can differ. By examining different subtypes, from injury severity to the magnitude of behavioral improvement (kaka), better more accurate results can be obtained while helping to validate the cortical rearrangement hypothesis. Other longitudinal studies should be done to examine the validity of biomarkers on cortical rearrangement as determining if these biomarkers are effect tools for treating TBI is also crucial for future research. Biomarker studies should also be completed with a greater number and range of subjects along analysis by a more advanced statistical software (mond). The cortical hypothesis has very important implications for future research. With further supporting research, this idea could change the way that traumatic brain injuries and maybe even neurodegenerative disease are examined and treated.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Relationship Between Political Processes and Science Essay
The political processes involved in the production of scientific facts and technology continues to be misrepresented and underemphasised in contemporary academic and wider public discourse. This is evident when considering the approaches employed by historians, philosophers and commentators when interpreting past revolutions, paradigm shifts and controversies in science. In this failure to account for the intrinsic association of politics, scientific facts and technology, it has led to the problematic distortion of how science relates to society and operates as an institution. Several assumptions are often made about science, for example the existence of an objective ‘scientific method’. Naà ¯ve inductivists who maintain this view claim that â€Å"science starts with observation†, and secondly that â€Å"observation yields a secure basis from which knowledge can be derived†(Chalmers, 1982, p. 22). This standard model of science raises much concern as it negates to account for the complex nature of observation. Firstly, Gestalt imagery demonstrates the variety of distinct meanings which can be extrapolated from one image and so a variety of stimuli. Secondly, the standard story of ‘scientific method’ through observation is weakened when considering the importance of ‘gaps’ within science, shown through the Solar Neutrino case study. Scientists observed the activity of solar neutrinos and in 1967, when data begun to transpire, inconsistencies were noticed which defied their predictions. There were disagr eements concerning the reading of the results and from 1968 to 1978 the scientific community continued in their attempt to resolve the ‘gaps’. A crucial question arises, which interpretation of the image or data is ‘correct’ or ‘legitimate’... ...999, p. 17 - Bishop, J. and Landell-Mills, N., ‘Forest Environmental Services: An Overview’ in Selling Forest Environmental Services: Market-based mechanisms for conservation and development, Earthscan, London 2002, p. 30 - Ede, A. and Cormac, L., A History of Science in Society: From Philosophy to Utility, Broadview Press, Ontario, 2004, p. 209 - Kill, J., ‘The Scientific Uncertainty of Carbon Sinks’ & ‘Why Carbon Sinks Won’t Help Stop Forest Destruction’ in Sinks in the Kyoto Protocol: A dirty deal for forests, forest peoples and the climate, FERN, 2001, p, 9 - Kuhn, T., The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The University of Chicago Press, 1996, p. 56 - Pinch, T. J. and Bijker, W. E., ‘The Social Construction of Facts and Artefacts’ in The Social Construction of Technological Systems, ed. W. E. Bijker, T. P. Hughes and T. J. Pinch, MIT Press, 1987, p. 19
feline leukemia virus :: essays research papers fc
FELINE PANLEUKOPENIA VIRUS Virus Classification:      Order:          Mononegavirales               Family:     Parvoviridae      Subfamily:     Parvovirinae      Genus:          Parvovirus          Species:     Feline panleukopenia virus Also called feline infectious eneritis, feline â€Å"distemper†, and feline ataxia or incoordination. Examples of other viruses belonging to the same genus as Feline panleukopenia virus include Canine parvovirus type 2, Porcine parvovirus, Mink enteritis virus, and Raccoon enteritis virus. Virus Structure:      Feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) is a small (20 nm) autonomous , non –enveloped, icosahedral, single-stranded DNA virus that is approximately 5,120 nucleotides in legnth. The genome encodes for two genes which each form two proteins by alternative mRNA splicing. The non-enveloped capsid is assembled from 60 copies of a combination of the overlapping capsid proteins VP1 and VP2. The virus contains three capsid proteins. The capsids normally enter cells by clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Replication of the virus in the host occurs in cells that are rapidly dividing. FPV can survive in pH ranging from 3 to 9. The virus is highly resistant to most disinfectants (ether, chloroform, acid, alcohol, and heat), but is susceptible to Clorox bleach. History and Natural Biology of Feline Panleukopenia Virus:      Feline panleukopenia is endemic to cats worldwide. The virus has been identified since the early 20th century. The virus is so severe that it was referred to as â€Å"cat plague†in earlier times when infections worldwide nearly wiped out cat populations in certain geographic areas. Now FPV rarely occurs in domestic populations in which vaccination is routinely practiced. There is a seasonality to the occurrence of FPV that usually coincides with the production of new populations of susceptible kittens. This seasonal effect may vary according to geographic location. In the northeastern United States, most cases of FPV are seen in the summer and early fall. However, outbreaks of FPV may occur at any time of the year. It is thought that feral domestic cat populations are a natural resevior for Feline panleukopenia virus. Clinical Features and Viral Pathogenesis:      All members of the cat family (Felidae) are susceptible to infection with feline panleukopenia virus (FPV), as are raccoons, and minks, in the family Procyoniclae. Three major body sytems are affected by FPV. FPV specifically depresses the white blood cells and thus the immune system of the host, it attacks the rapidly reproducing cells lining the gut, and FPV affects the reproducing cells of the cerebellum and the retina of the eye when they are in their developing stage. The system it chooses depends on the age of the cat at the time of infection.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
AMS Final Study Guide
Dances danced to Bebop included the lindy hop and the apple Jack emerged-both also seen as resistive – double v double time (time refers to the speed in bebop) -A type of music that focused on asymmetry and dissonance, made so white artists loudest play it (involved technical mastering), lots of improve that moved away from sheet music. Very similar to Jim Hendrix taking an American style (Jazz) and transforming It to fit a new culture with the wave of Immigrants. Often played In clubs where coot suitors loitered, acted as a form of musical protest and resistance against the white mainstream Jazz.Birth of a new kind of Jazz, one that symbolizes youth and change within American society. Shifted focus from white/swing black/ bebop Bracers Program â€Å"An emergency farm labor plan that was extremely successful at meeting its goal of supplying cheap labor. -After WI there were several â€Å"bracer's†(manual laborers) that stopped working as farm laborers on their own sid e of the border and came to El Paso center to be recruited for agricultural labor. Bracers translates too â€Å"manual laborer who works with arms†The program was started in 1942 by FED and it allowed Mexican agricultural laborers to have a temporary contract.Mexico was viewed as a part of the Allies during WI. Brought hundreds of thousands of Mexican people to the U. S and fostered the Idea that Mexican workers were entirely dispensable and that once they were no longer 1942 and 1947 continued after WWW Operation wetback's†MM Mexican and Mexican Americans who were U. S citizens or legal residents deported back to Mexico. Buffalo Bill -Creator of the popular commercial entertainment business â€Å"Buffalo Bills, Wild West†from 1883-1916, that reduced complex events into romanticizes scenes of the frontier. The creator, William F. Codswallop Bill†-the main attraction of the show- because he was a â€Å"real†man of the frontier who became popular f or killing a young Indian warrior named Yellow Hand, through scalping. -Led people to believe the acts during the show were real, even though they were often traumatized and left out the Indians side of the story -scenes drawn from buffalo bills dime novels and was considered â€Å"American national entertainment†and exemplified American history in an inaccurate way.Buffalo bill is considered the hero and a self-made man. Richard Slotting Reading: From reading Cultural US Imperialism. -Romanticizes view of the American frontier, not an accurate representation. Double -An attempt by African Americans soldiers during WWW; victory at home (against discrimination) and victory abroad with the war. By fighting in the war, they hoped to gain respect and become equals. It was a response to what happened during WI, hen they were promised equality if they fought in the war, but it never happened. It was an attempt by black soldiers in WWW to demonstrate that by helping to win victory in the war, that they could establish conditions domestically for victory over discrimination. It's immediate effect was the end of racial discrimination in the military services -A Philip Randolph and the march on Washington -Double V, double time related to bebop and coot suit, each examples or resistance and fighting the war at home. The Double V Campaign became a symbol of pride for Black Americans during a time when Jim Crows laws were prevalent and so many of he rights that soldiers fought for abroad were denied them at home.Article from The Pittsburgh Courier from James Thompson small acts of resistance that led to a revolution during the civil rights movement Gill Scott-Heron A Jazz and Spoken word musician, Scott-Heron's songs discussed such matters as the superficiality of media and consumerism, as well as the idea that true revolution is not seen through publicity but through the actions of the people that go unpublished. Singer to â€Å"The Revolution Will Not Be Televi sed†in 1970, it was a politically conscious hip hop song, that explained how revolution is not found in hinges that give us comfort like television.It questions where we find resistance, shows how racial issues begin from within and laws are Just temporary solutions to a seemingly permanent problem. -If you want ‘revolution', you can't sit and wait for it to come on your TV. Set Talking about racial equality and thus the â€Å"revolution†will not be put on television; it will be live, as said in the last line. -Nine's ad: The revolution will be not be televised†¦ Yet it was -The significance to class views. Countercultures Hurricane Strain The 2005 Hurricane that devastated Louisiana and, most famously, New Orleans after the levees broke.There was a large disparity between the opinions of the people on the ground and those portrayed by the televised news casting. The film Trouble the Water (2008), addressed the idea that Strain was a man-made disaster oppos ed to a natural one. Showed the depths of structural racism in that there was an unequal distribution of resources based on race. -African Americans were denied assistance, and rescuing was prioritize to whites. In addition, white housing and tourist attractions were restored much faster than black neighborhoods and housing.Demonstrates how racism is still prevalent in society even after the Civil rights Movement, shows how solving racial issues begins from within, and laws are Just temporary solutions to a seemingly permanent problem. Institutional Racism: Racism that is hard to see but usually is stronger racism. – institutionalized racism, hegemony widespread agreement that things were getting better but were truly not for certain colors and poor people Elevation -First truly massed produced suburbs that had identical designs to lower housing costs.Known as the archetype for postwar suburbs across the country -In 1957, Alfred Levity created the first Elevation, a suburban area of standardized homes that rated several suburbs and a defined middle class. It became a symbol of the American dream, but was restricted to white families only, a part of the housing segregation seen back then. Displays the hegemony of racial inequality ideologies, keeping races segregated and whites as â€Å"superior†and blacks and â€Å"others†as â€Å"inferior†. -All residents must be Caucasian so owners had business because whites wouldn't live there otherwise.Documentary: â€Å"Race: The power of illusion†deal with systemic racism in the development of suburbs and the impact of color-blind policy. FAA specifically redline families of color. White flight Malcolm Little The birth name given to Malcolm X, a black Muslim civil rights activist Was part of nation of Islam? Began as a coot suit wearing hustler In Robin Kelly's Riddle of the Coot, he tells the story of Malcolm Little, also known as Malcolm X, a young African American growing up duri ng the Coot Suit era and an increasing time of forming American identities.He acquired all of the fashionable adornments of the time such as the coot suit and the conk to erase his background and identity. -Committed a series of burglaries targeting wealthy white families He his Scottish maternal grandfather -He endured a lot of pain and self-degradation to kook like a Whitman because he internalized the idea that black people were â€Å"inferior†and white people were â€Å"superior†. Shows the American values at the time, and the segregation of races despite the melting pot mentality.McDonald's A multinational corporation which has, in the past, been indicative of social and economic challenges created by multinational corporation operations. The world's largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants worldwide since it is a transnational company, as talked about in McDonald's in Beijing by Hanging Yawn. -Represents Americanization and American exceptionalness by in stilling American culture onto there countries through advanced technologies and products.American globalization is spreading American culture and ideologies worldwide, trying to force conformity among other nations to merge the superior American culture. â€Å"I'm loving it†expo transnational: going beyond national boundaries or interests Michael Jordan -Served as an analog to the self-made man and also hinted at how rationalization occurs as we view professional basketball players and athletes in general. -Michael Jordan is arguably one of the greatest basketball players in the NAB. He Joined the Bulls in 1984 and made the team come back alive.Jordan was certainly the most effectively marketed professional sports player and credited for making NAB popular. Famous American basketball player that played on the Chicago Bulls from 1984 to 1998. Was the world's first globalizes sports figure, becoming the global face of Nikkei advertisements worldwide. Importance represents the transnational of Nikkei and the globalization of American culture and values worldwide. Self-made man Marketing based on race â€Å"blackness†as a marketing scheme Nikkei -A transnational cooperation. Just do it†One of the first companies to actually hold a worldwide advertising campaign for its products. Use top athletes to sponsor their products and produces single products in multiple countries ex: â€Å"air Max penny is inspired by a basketball player whose nickname is Penny†¦ Shoe contains 52 separate components produced in five different countries†-Just do it! Is the slogan of Nikkei, which is a transnational corporation. It shows that beyond American imperialism of advancing technologies and products, there is also a globalization of American ideals being sold, a form of cultural imperialism.Demonstrates how the boundary of American ideals spreads past US borders, using production and sale of manufactured goods as a vessel of transport. An example of the spread of American ideas and ideologies Sitcom suburbs -â€Å"cookie cutter†homes -The sass's model of similar houses with an emphasis on the white middle class family. These suburbs were often an example of institutional racial segregation, with â€Å"red zone†areas being unable to get loans and land development. -Sitcoms such as â€Å"Leave it to Beaver†and â€Å"Father Knows Best†in the asses that portrayed a nuclear family living in the suburbs.Portrayed the transmission of gender roles and the ideals of a traditional family, for example women as the housewife that should clean cook and raise the kids, while men are the ones to work outside the house. Represents hegemonic forces reinforcing gender inequality ideologies onto the nation during a time that women were fighting for their independence. An example of state sanctioned racism towards African American homeowners. Also an example of the family unit becoming socially prominent.Sleepy Lagoon Murder/Hank Leaner's -Trial began in 1942 Jose was found on the ground already stabbed and beaten The boys went into the house and fought, came outside and punched Jose but was not responsible for his death Trial went on for 3 months 12 defendants found guilty; Hank was sentenced to life After several advocates tried o get boys out of Jail and finally did, Hank walked out of Jail with a coot suit on -Race was the central part of the riot Riots broke out between Mexican-Americans and army personnel stationed in LA.White Americans believed coot suits were extravagant and unpatriotic during war time. While Mexican Americans saw the trial as discriminatory. Coot Suit Riots (1943): The trials found these Mexican-Americans guilty without any sufficient evidence because of their race: presumed to be dangerous and guilty. Social model of disability The idea of the social model of disability was presented by guest lecturer, Ryan Cartridge. It suggests that there is a public view that there is something inherently different about those we consider to be â€Å"Disabled.As such, there are institutional precedents to treat those with disabilities differently. Race can influence this -White male is seen as the ideal/ normal in our society, so the disabled are held to this standard impairment + scatterbrained Being in a wheelchair limits the person, but not as much as society makes it out to be. -Overcoming narrative Propaganda that says despite the disability people can do things. -Often parameterized -Ex: someone with down syndrome is asked to the prom is put in the newspaper, hen this shouldn't be a big deal If the disabled can do it then so can you. Thus saying that if disabled people want to succeed at something, they only have to try hard. -This type of propaganda is used in the dual purpose of motivating those without disabilities, while simultaneously degrading those with disabilities, by saying that what a normal person has to overcome is equivalent to what a disabled person has to overcome. Concept Explanations: Transnational and Transnational Corporation -The idea that the economy, and especially large corporations, are increasingly operating across several nations.As such, they have vested interests in multiple countries and their economies. Overall the idea that corporations now have global effects rather than local ones -Watson Definition: â€Å"Transnational describes a condition by which people, commodities, and ideas literally cross–transgress– national boundaries and are not identified with a single place of origin. †â€Å"Transnational Corporations are popularly regarded as the clearest expressions of this new adaptation(transnational)†¦ Mode of production controlled from a headquarters complex located somewhere in the First World†-Watson Reading:Transnational, Localization, and Fast Foods in East Asia -McDonald's-localization rather than transnational -Nikkei -Coca-Cola American Capitalism Enlightened sexism -Douglass definition â€Å"Enlightened Sexism is a response, deliberate or not, to the perceived threat of a new gender regime. †-â€Å"insists the women have made plenty of progress because of feminism-aka full equality has allegedly been achieved†¦ So now it's okay to have sexist stereotypes of girls and women†because it's funny since we obsessing over one man, because we all know women â€Å"aren't†actually like that†Where the Girls Are;Enlightened Sexism -goes hand in hand with embedded feminism. American Dream-America's possibilities are limited to select groups of people, in this case women are left out Frontier thesis -The Thesis proposed by American historian Frederick Turner in 1893. It was the idea that American democracy/identity was established by the American Frontier. He stressed that by moving the frontier line it shaped America.. â€Å"Gained new strength each time it touched a new frontier. †Also by push ing out the frontier America was cutting ties with British culture and customs. The idea was that the frontier land was free†¦ Oh wait.Native Americans were there first. The frontier is a place where savagery and civilization meet. Domesticating nature -Homestead Act of 1862 Signed by Lincoln at the beginning/during the Civil War. Meant that Union supporters were the ones granted land†¦ â€Å"Any person†¦ Who has never borne arms against the United States Government. †-First granted 160 acres, increased to 640 acres in 1904. This in itself sets up white privilege through the descendants of homesteaders. Manifest Destiny American Empire The American Empire is the idea that America has, in its past, utilized military tactics to increase land and resource holdings.The Philippines example from class â€Å"taking them for their own good†, as well as the Spanish-American war of 1896 -Hegemony, -American Exceptionalness -American imperialism (ex: eagle spreadi ng its wings over many countries) Reading concept explanation: What does the author mean? What does it mean in a larger context? Example outside of class The Globalization of Michael Jordan by Walter Leveler: â€Å"The September 11 horrors raised, in the most stark and bloody terms, questions about the new capitalism that had shaped American-led globalization of the previous thirty years†(165-66).The terrorists who committed the crimes of 9-11 were a part of AH Qaeda, a religious organization that hated the US for corrupting their homelands and Saudi Arabia. The terrorists saw the US as the source of capitalism which they hate. Where the Girls Are by Susan Douglas: â€Å"American women today are a bundle of contradictions because much of the media imagery we grew up with was itself filled with mixed messages about what women should and should not do, what women could and could not be. This was true in the asses and it is true today' (9). The American woman has thus emerged as a bundle of contradictions, seeking to be simultaneously passive and active, outspoken and diet, selfish and selfless, thrifty and profligate, daring and scared, and who had better know which persona to assume when†double standards The media has done number of things to confuse the roles of women. One such example is the producer ethos versus consumer ethos. At first the media was portraying a producer ethos, but then there was a conflict, because they needed consumers to consume the produce of the producers.Therein lays contradiction nature of the media imposition on women. Magazines; pageants; Double V, Double Time: Bebop's Politics of Style by Eric Lott: â€Å"Bebop was about asking disciplined imagination alive and answerable to the social change of the time†(597). Bebop was not protest music but it was played during a time of protest. I would say that according to black they saw it as more of their own thing not a rebellion Something they had and whites didn't ,. It was something for them to identify with. It was kind of like a voice for them I'd say, not so much a rebellion if that makes sense at all. And while bebop said there was a riot going on, it was hardly protest music†(597) -Double V- African Americans wanting equality at home and actor in Germany -Bebop: fast paced, lots of solos, said to be too loud and aggressive -Wanted something that whites couldn't play. Identity for blacks Change the way people think along with the times, opening up the mind -Bebop was about making a change for blacks, a social change -Bebop, which breaks the paradigms established by its contemporaries, was seen as rebellious to WHITES and seen by blacks as something that was fully theirs. White culture interpret it as another coot suit riot -Punk Rock/metal, EDM? , youth in revolt, counter-culture in general Disability and the Justification of Inequality in American History by Douglas Boonton: â€Å"Thus, while disabled people can be considered on e of the minority groups historically assigned inferior status and subjected to discrimination, disability has functioned for all such groups as a sign of and Justification of inferiority' (34). Disability has been used to justify other historically inferior groups Boonton mentions Women's suffrage, African American civil rights, and restriction of immigration -Women were deemed too emotional to vote, to have rights. Emotionality was used as a disability against women o say that they weren't good enough -Race was used as a disability saying that others were inferior because of something like blindness, deafness, mental illness to justify segregation and immigration restrictions Disability that they weren't as developed.People were too weak. Didn't look strong enough†couldn't enter US- immigration restriction -The same reasons/differences that are used to assign inferiority and give rise to discrimination are the same reasons the people with disabilities use to argue for were h elping out lesser races but really we were going in for land and resources– babe?Immigrations exclusion acts: -Early 20th century: you look like you have poor physique- can't immigrate 1903- epilepsy, insanity- can't immigrate 1907-mental or physical defect which may affect you-can't immigrate Haunted America by Patricia Limerick â€Å"Somewhere in the asses, the term [frontier] might undergo a crucial shift, toward the reality of la frontier and away from the fantasy of the frontier. That shift in meaning will be the measure of great change in this nation's understanding of its own origins†(92). She argues that overall it is not very useful to look back at one's story since all this does is make an individual conscience of the fear to repeat it, and that the only way to learn is through an action. Says that by the white man's conquest we have intertwined the lives of native Americans and Anglo Saxons and we now have a more Joined nation through the tragedies experien ced by both sides. -In terms of ‘la frontier' this is reference to the Mexican American border. Wild west; manifest destiny -The Last Samurai, you can literally draw direct parallels from white men pushing west in America to the new Chinese government extermination of the old Samurai ay of life Cultural studies scholar Priscilla Wald: â€Å"Institutional racism and structural violence share the assumption that the distribution of power through which the state regulates life is a form of violence†(191). Structural and institutional racism see the ways in which people of color are disadvantaged by government where it is avoidable -They aren't given the same opportunities or help as white people -The way that the government doesn't help these struggling races is a how there is structural and institutional racism and it is an act of violence even though it is not direct physical violence. Ignoring them is violence Individual vs.. Institutional racism natural disaster vs.. Structural violence Hurricane Strain: blacks not helped.Tourist (white) parts of the city rebuilt 100% but dominantly black neighborhoods still devastated. Government said they would come in to help but never did. American Studies is about making connections and asking good questions, and then making an argument based on the appropriate evidence. Your essay should engage with the ideas and arguments of at least four different primary or secondary texts from class. The primary texts can include any of the films, songs, novels, memoirs, or poems that we have covered so far in class.Your essay should at least cite one primary or secondary text (but no more than two) from before the midterm. An exemplary essay will have a clearly stated argument that is developed through your examples/ evidence. (You might even want to underline your argument to be absolutely clear). Be sure to explain and analyze the connections you are making between the texts and/or course themes that you are citing. You are not limited to material explicitly discussed in lecture and discussion and, in fact, are encouraged to cite examples that have not been discussed in lecture and discussion as it will reveal
Friday, August 16, 2019
Compilation of Poems, Short Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories
How it's like to be Invisible It's kind of a nerdy question, but it always seems to come up. You'll be hanging out with a few friends and someone will ask, â€Å"If you could have any superpower you wanted, what would it be? Most people can't answer right away because there?s so many to choose from. But not me, know exactly what I'd pick, hands down, overtime invisibility. Just think about invisibility for a second. No one can see you. You're there but not there. You could be in the same room with someone, standing inches away, and they wouldn't realize it.Sure, they could reach out and touch you if they wanted – but would they? They wouldn't know you were there! An invisible person could be watching e this very second, and if not for the fact that my super hearing allows me to detect a heartbeat any'. Where in the world, I'd have no way of knowing. Go stand in front of a mirror. Now imagine there's no one looking back at you. Or what it would be like if you hold your hands d irectly in front of your face and saw nothing but the wall on the other side if the room. That's impossible right? That simply does not happen!For me, invisibility is the best superpower, without a doubt. Honestly don't know why people even have this discussion. The only downside to invisibility can think of – and given this lot of thought – is how tempting it would be to abuse it. For instance, it would be very easy to rob a bank. Could just stand in the lobby, totally unnoticed by anyone and wait until everyone went home for the evening. Then with the whole building to myself, could simply walk up, rip the vault door off its hinges and fill my money bags at the speed of light. But with power like that I just need to be very careful.In any case I realize it's a silly fantasy. It's never going to happen and theft how it's always going to be. There is no getting around the limitations of the real world. It's fun to ponder through. Come to think of it, it'd also be cost to have an elastic body and be able to stretch my arms and legs twenty feet or something. That'd be amazing. Can you imagine? In state of Coma And then suddenly, I just woke up in the middle of a spacious galactic vastness where my footsteps somehow reached the info unity but still finding myself wandering in the same old place.I feel nothing but the serenity of voices I hear randomly everywhere, as I continued walking in the path of uncertainty, I bumped in a dead end wall. I started to shiver in fear as the wall gradually pushed itself as if its about to crush me into pieces. I cannot do anything but to scream in a world am the only one existing, as if the walls duplicated themselves to put me inside a shrinking cube of darkness. Eventually, I began hearing random voices inflicting despair and agony around the vicinity of my perfectly working ears.I hear my name as it is being called several times with the murmurs and sounds of grief that pinch my heart to explode as devastating a s a volcanic eruption. I cannot move my arms or any parts of my body. â€Å"Help! I'm trapped inside these four walls. I'm being squeezed and can barely breathe. â€Å"Toot, toot, toot, toot†¦ †– the only mound that can distinguish coming from a man-made machine that emphasizes how stable the vitals of a person are. I finally remember now, was hit by a car on my way home, and perhaps I'm under a medical custody.A Poem about Marriage A promise of a lifetime and eternal fusion Binding two completely different persons, Both grown-ups of glee, and dosages of laments Epitomized by a rounded finger ornament Even procrastination would not turn back time Its sacrament means ‘two' must never sublime â€Å"For richer or for poorer, for better or for worst†In the altar you acknowledge, love may be cursed. A pledge where we crack holy names and scriptures Words that are sacred and shall not devour with time Union of two souls are meant not by the skies But the one who sees us, in ethereal disguise. One's longevity is not a mere necessity.For at once we promised in the presence of deity One may forget in mind all the memories But never in the heart, which knows camaraderie For it all begins with the words â€Å"l love you†And a box of sweet chocolates, flowers in red hue Always bear in mind, marriage is something to ponder, Indeed an obligation, bound to last forever A Poem about Change Change is just a cause; time and space is its agent, A crucial process brought by either fame or torment Even a photograph, would seem just imperfect You'd only see appearance? That's simply incorrect. All these people can do, around you is to whisper What can only be heard? A version that is newer? †â€Å"Is that him, is that you? †You seem a little different While you walk with glamour, along the crowded pavement You were hurt, and once lost, that is actually overt All your pain and sufferings, you considered like dirt. When you ca me back they thought, you're the person they once knew Its just so surprising; your voice is their only clue! Change is a reflection of what things you've gone through That is why there's no doubt, it transformed the whole you You're not that one person, who knows pain and blue Until you leave your homeland, on an airplane, you flew.Perhaps, that is just, how life really goes on, That you walk on earth and then everything is gone We change for the better or either for the worst Unanswered question: Do we need to be hurt first? A Poem about Faith in God Oh Lord God is it true? That you are soon to come? Because for quite a long time, you let me be lonesome. Help me understand, that your existence is true Because somehow in my heart, know there is You. Overtime I fall, get wounds that never heal It somewhat tears my belief, that heaven is for real. They say You died for our sins, and was crucified Maybe you're just a myth, or maybe I'm just blind.For years, I didn't go to church at le ast to say thank you Come on, judge me, may have forgotten you too. But wonder in spite all the wrongdoings I had Blessings rain like shower- makes me smile when I'm sad. Sometimes think you're an invisible entity You're there but not there, now believe serendipity You just do not speak, through your mouth or your hands Even I forget you, you never reprimand. Wrote this poem not because its a requirement But because I believe You, and your wise judgment And for that I will rate you, a grade of ten For my endless devotion, Hallelujah, Amen!A Poem about Hope Every ray of the sun that shines the green leafy meadows, Begins a day to be distant from tears and rear shadows For every breath that we take, for every smile that we see Is the knowledge that there's hope, in our life there's always glee For each day that passes through is a new fight that awaits A battle with the fortune, where we need a little faith Every day may not be good; we know life is a roulette Thank God, He loves us, though we're as dark as a silhouette Hoping perhaps is something we could all ever do,For penthouse we don't know if we can still make it through But there's always something to ponder, when our life gets rough â€Å"For every rain, comes the rainbow – that will make us all tough Never ever be afraid to wake up in the morning And think that life is over – that it only means nothing. Together with the glory that the world offers us, is a whispering sound, saying â€Å"strive harder and surpass†. A leaf may wither like our hair when it turns white, Life may seem to be darker than the middle of the night But even if the darkest night hides the glow of the little moon, Don't forget to go with the flow and to dance with its tune.A Poem about Betrayal You knocked at my humble door, and so I opened it up, That is how you have gain my trust, as quicker as a nap didn't wonder how fragile it was, since the day we met, until you managed to betray me, and I felt like death . You walked into my life, like dancing papers in the wind, It was smooth ‘twats graceful; on my wall our pictures are pinned. You left me so much to remember, memories indeed. Tell me what is the reason, why you have changed quite rapid!What I've given you was something, which for me was priceless It was trust that you have broken, how could you not care less? A round of applause for our very well-done performance, For making me believe, it's a non-fictional romance Still fresh in my memory when you told me to trust you, That we'll never be apart and I'm your â€Å"my only you†. Easy come, easy go? You're like common people I know, Now you ask for my trust again? Well my answer is no. What you've done was something which is not irreversible, Betraying me was your choice? Go read yourself a bible.Find the story about Judas, and please learn your lesson, â€Å"Trust is only given once, be a trustworthy person†If Only I Knew Nothing could ever be more exciting tha n the night before the day of school field trip. Tell me if Pm wrong? And so right now, time check it's 10:PM, 6 hours, and 13 minutes left as I countdown before I ride that fully air- conditioned Wi-If equipped bus. My travel bag can be my home! Almost everything need is here. Have cookies, principles, sandwiches, sweaters, orange juices, chocolates, my favorite Sponge pillow and my gadgets.Meanwhile, really can't sleep, so I turned on my laptop and watched some movies. After watching two Science Fiction movies, my mom came into my room and yelled at me. She told me to go to sleep so could have energy for tomorrow. Its 3:AMA, 2 hours left before the trip, and so decided to take a AP. Data! It's field trip time! I'm awake now. I ran quickly to take a shower and afterwards, had my breakfast and I've changed my clothes, too. Then my mom sent me to school. Wow! Here is my bus now.But something seems not right; the right tire at the back part of the bus is quite flat, I was about to tel l it to the driver but my teacher scolded me, and told me to quickly get inside because the bus was leaving and so did. I am seated at the very back part of the bus, you know, where I can lie down and have some rest while we travel. Meanwhile, think I know I'm already asleep, but it was a shallow one. I can still hear the engine of the bus, the chattering noise of my classmates, and a bit of hording from other cars stuck on the same traffic.After like, maybe forty-five minutes? Our bus has escaped the traffic and think we're now passing through the fields. This time have really fallen into a deep sleep. Just before I have my visit to dreamland, there was this weird screeching and banging sound that heard and at the same time there were a lot of people screaming for help. I couldn't care less. Maybe I'm already in dreamland and those strange noises that heard were just some sort of my imagination. I ally had a very long sleep.But I'm just right on time; we've just arrived in our dest ination, but I'm a bit worried because the tour guide who's been waiting for us would not talk to my teacher, my teacher kept on poking her but she never looked back. So, my teacher gathered all of her students, and that includes me and she said if the tour guide wont pay attention to us, then perhaps she'll be the tour guide. â€Å"Very well said ma'am! Let's go! †I said in intense excitement. Our teacher started touring us first in the Zoo. There were really lots of awesome creatures I've never seen in person before!Vie en a tarsier, an owl, an alligator, lion, tiger, parrot, a hippo, a kangaroo and there's this one animal that really stunned me, it was the shark. I'm really enjoying this trip. I could touch every animal and they do not get aggressive at all! – Specially the lion. Next stop – Enchanted Kingdom! This is it, my chance to face my fear of heights. I called three of my buddies to join me ride the Ferris wheel; navy we've got free access to all the rides. Was just a bit disgusted; the guard didn't even assist us So that We could be safe!And another thing, a Ferris wheel slot can accommodate 3 persons, but he kept eying that our seat is vacant! He's so mean. Just because were little kids he would say that? Thank God he already let us have the spin. Anyway, this is supposed to be a happy day, so even if there are people trying to ruin it, me and my buddies will just give them a smile. It was really very exhausting yet fulfilling. We've enjoyed the entire field trip. My 300 peso pocket money remained still in my bag. Time check, it's already PM, and its our call time to go back to the bus.But this trip wouldn't be so remarkable if I wont be buying any souvenir items. So I walked with haste into the souvenir shop – which eventually made me a bit passed off again, because the store owner kept ignoring me. Well, anyway, saw the shirt that caught my interest and so I grabbed it and just put my payment on the cashier's table. I hurriedly ran back to our bus because I'm afraid it may leave me behind. I don't know how I can come back home if that happens. Again, I'm just right on time. The bus is leaving and so I hopped up and proceeded to my special seat.It was really tiring that I've managed to fall quickly into a deep sleep. I dreamt of beautiful things in my life. I saw mom, I saw dad, my puppy â€Å"Bummed†, and they were all smiling at me. However, upon my deep sleep, I didn't notice the bus is already at the front of our house, my buddies woke me up. I got up and said goodbye to them. I reached home at exactly 1 1:PM. I'm very excited to see mom, I couldn't wait to tell her a lot of fascinating stories I had during the trip, but as stepped into our living room, she was there knitting, the television is turned on in the news channel.I was touched to see her repair my favorite dress – though it's too late and I cannot use it anymore in the fielder, she still carries on. I'm surprised I h ave a picture in a frame she just put on the table, she ever did that. I thought she was about to welcome me back home. I thought of it much of a surprise. But then she suddenly started weeping. I said â€Å"Mom? I'm home! Why are you crying? †bought a souvenir. A white shirt from EEK! Here! Take a look! †I am terrified, really, really terrified. If this is a joke, it's not funny anymore! â€Å"Mom! I'm here! Please pay attention! I did everything to make her look at me, but she just kept ignoring me like I'm just a part of the air. She still remained sobbing. She has finished knitting. She folded it and put in right beside my framed picture on the table. I sat beside her as she etches the news. It was breaking news, a road accident, â€Å"A bus collides with a delivery truck†I was shocked, because the bus looks just like the one I rode on the trip. It kind of like catches my interest because it says in the news that it was also heading into the Zoo for a sch ool field trip activity. Such a coincidence!The sad thing about this tragedy is that all of the passengers died – the teacher and the students. Not one managed to survive. Watched as the rescuers release the corpse from within the mangled bus. My tears suddenly fell off my eyes. My cheeks turned red as I witness the last corpse Ewing taken out of the bus – was me, it was me†¦. The Zero Visibility The Earth was one once called the II Verdure, where all the inhabitants were not humans but mutants called â€Å"Material†. Creatures that are capable of physically morphing into something or someone they want to be once they were able to touch the object or person they desire to copy.But their rules prohibit all of the Material citizens to use this skill as it can be very deceiving to anyone and it is considered a mortal sin for them. Their god is the Nature. They don't have spirits. But they also have feelings and emotions. They reproduce by hand contact. They br eathe through the existence of one another. Each Material breathes sulfur. When one Material dies, the one, or the thing he copied also vanishes. They don't have divergent personality. They are all the same two-legged creatures.But there is one special yet abominable gift each Material gets when they are born on El Verdure and this is the only thing divergent about them. Material gets the power to control one of any of the nature's wrath; volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, earthquakes, wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes, snow storms and lightning. However, there is only one in a million chance for a particular Material citizen to possess the ability of controlling the superior power of the Earthquake and many has believed that it will never get to exist again. About CHOICE, the Earth stood to be the only planet existing in the universe.It is said to be that the Earth measures twenty times its size compare to the present time. However, this changed when one Material, decided to break free. Matisse's government system is called â€Å"Gaillardia†. (It is like a democratic system in the present time). A Material named â€Å"Scabbard†works as a â€Å"limpidly†or a helper in the Egalitarian tyrants. He is the one who keeps he darkest secrets of II Verdure's rulers. The government officials they call â€Å"functionaries†never do their jobs – to promote peace and order, and proper distribution of â€Å"razor†(rice in English).Each Material family only receives one kilogram of razor every 3 days. The Egalitarian Functionaries in the other hand receives 5 chests of razor every day. Scabbard belongs to a family that is well supported by the functionaries. But his virtues, however is telling him something ideally contrasted to what he does. El Verdure has 7 functionaries. The President who controls the lightning, the vice president, ho controls the wildfires, the two senators that can control volcanic eruptions and tsunamis, and the three governors possessing the power to control hurricanes, tornadoes and snow storms.The Egalitarian Functionaries are not just gluttonous but ruthless. They don't even care if the ordinary poor Materials die in poverty. They are heartless and sometimes they even do the killing by their own hands. They permanently take away the innate power of a Material in the process of â€Å"Montage†by injecting through the veins a red luminous elixir. It permanently disables a Material to use and trigger en of the 7 existing nature's wrath present in an individual. But in just a blink Of an eye, everything will just be dust in the wind. One day, Scabbard's mother â€Å"Matter†, was terribly sick.To see his son is his only cure because she copied the physical appearance of her son that why she needs an exchange of sulfur exclusively coming from his son only. However it is not yet time to go home for Scabbard. He didn't know what was happening to her mother. Matter goes to the â₠¬Å"Evasively†(the house of the Egalitarian Functionaries) to find her son. But the â€Å"Flaky†(Security guards) would not let her come in. Even if she explained that his son is a faithful servant of the Functionaries for years, and she's just want to talk to him inside the Evasively, still the flaky refused to agree.Instead, they bring Matter to the President for violating the rule of copying a person, and before Matter were executed; her power was cleansed first in Montage. Scabbard, finally heard about the execution and so he ran quickly to the â€Å"Domain Skittles†(or the execution room) just to witness the death of her mother. In his two eyes he watch as her mother's hurricane power is being taken away. In great anger, Scabbard screamed! And suddenly it started shaking all over El Verdure. His scream full of rage and fury has made him discovered he possess the superior power.
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