Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Self-Portraits. Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Self-Portraits. Diary - Essay Example Also, I don't should be mindful to anybody or offer my training with anybody; I don't have to spruce up, put on make-up, I simply need to catch the uniqueness and independence of me. I decide to do a self-representation with the goal that I can catch and paint my topic as most ideal as and as nobody else as ever done previously. Painting a self-picture causes me in communicating certain parts of myself and characters, a long ways past the outside of physical appearance. 2. Depict â€Å"your†creative decisions in arrangement: utilization of shading, space, and so forth. I believe shading to be the most ungovernable and basic component in painting, accordingly, while picking the under work of art, the main thing I as a rule do before I begin painting, I am consistently fatigued of the shading that I will utilize. I lean toward making a dark scale utilizing Raw Sienna beginning at white and blending a modest quantity of the favored shading into white; this makes different tones of shading. Utilizing consumed golden and ultramarine blue, I blend the dark shading. Utilizing twelve square scale gives me enough qualities that I use in painting the self-picture (Bartel, 2010). As noted before, I lean toward crude sienna; this is on the grounds that, it helps in setting charcoal to such an extent that, it goes about as feature, which considers the under artwork to be obvious through the last paints layer surface; and furthermore, it doesn't spread into my work of art. The hues I use are increasingly princely and brush strokes are progressively noticeable In request to depict illusionistic structure, I acquire the smooth, fine strategy used by Rembrandt in his works of art (Bruyn, Wetering, and Rijn, 2005). In certain territories of my self-picture where I have utilized paint with material quality, I utilize the method of harsh treatment of exceptionally colorful paint surfaces to take into account the depiction of illusionist structure (Albert, 2003). So as to r ecommend space, I again get a procedure of leaving enormous blank areas utilized by Rembrandt, however by Titian, also. What's more, I additionally utilization of unpredictable trap of line so as to get an impact of rich dull tones (Bruyn et al., 2005). Essentially, I am ready to make emotional impacts by utilizing shadow and solid differentiations of light, which is a copying of Rubens’ extravagant style. Having perused, seen and get comfortable some of Venetian craftsmanship, my utilization of brushwork is increasingly expressive; and I have built up an inclination of placing figures in corresponding to the image plane. 3. Clarify what the picture speaks to about â€Å"you†(as the craftsman.) This self-representation delineates or speaks to a more joyful, despite the fact that it looks somewhat genuine, the grin all over, the look in my eyes, and the troubling in my face shows an agreeable, upbeat, and free soul. The most significant thing to note about this picture is that, it is a remarkable portrayal of the genuine me; I have not at all endeavored to hide the defects all over, in this way, it leaves next to no to be envisioned. Aside from precisely speaking to the physical and enthusiastic uniqueness of my face, this self-representation likewise welcomes the observers to consider and break down the methods I use. For example, on close assessment of this picture, anybody acquainted with Rembrandt’s work will see that, my face rises up out of the development of the brush and that my hair is because of deliberately estimated work. 4. Clarify â€Å"your†decisions of subject with respect to in any event three other explicit pieces
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Goals For Success in College
Goals For Success in CollegeIt is very important to understand the different types of goals for success in college and how they can benefit you. There are many different types of goals for success in college, which are appropriate for different types of goals that are needed for each student. If you are looking for examples of each type of goal, you can find them here.One of the most common types of goals for success in college is the goals for success in your first semester. You might be able to use this goal as a stepping stone towards what you want to achieve throughout the rest of your college career. A goal for success in college like this is an indication of what your goal should be at this point in time. You must always keep in mind that your goal may not be the same at the end of each semester.Another common goal for success in college is the goal to be active in campus life. You will be spending many hours each day in class, but it is very important to maintain a social life outside of the classroom. By incorporating some type of social activity into your college life you will find that you are not bored during the day. This will help you succeed in college.The third common goal for success in college is to graduate with honors. While this goal might not seem very practical or realistic, this goal can be used to motivate you and give you something to strive for. When you graduate with honors you will be a highly respected person in your school.Another common goal for success in college is to be a member of the debating team. Many people enjoy debating; therefore, there is a good chance that you will enjoy this type of activity. The goal of this goal is to earn some form of recognition in your class and make some friends in the process. This is a great goal to try if you have a bias towards any type of debate.A common goal for success in college is to be an editor. Editors are very important in today's society, and you may enjoy this activity if you lik e editing. In most cases, the editors in your school are the one who will be making the final decisions on the content of the essays that you write. Therefore, if you enjoy editing, this is a goal that can be very beneficial to you.The last common goal for success in college is to be a public speaker. Public speaking is becoming more popular in today's society. You may be very passionate about public speaking and you may be very good at it. The goal of this goal is to be able to make some money off of your services, either by selling copies of your speeches or using the speeches to produce advertisements for your products.Some goals for success in college might be appropriate for different types of students. You should only use these goals as guidelines, and not as a basis for determining which types of students you are going to teach. This is because the goal of each student will be very different from one another. Therefore, you need to identify the type of student that you are go ing to be teaching before you try to fulfill any other type of goal for success in college.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Control Systems and Quality Management in Relation to Motivation Essay
Control Systems and Quality Management in Relation to Motivation - Essay Example Most medicinal services associations have built up nonstop quality control and improvement frameworks for an incredible and steady quality administration program as recommended by Shortell and Kaluzny (1997). Human services organizations ought to consider that establishments with steady quality control frameworks want to embrace positive changes in all parts of the organization’s exercises. Quality administration in medicinal services organizations offers a structure for administration conveyance and assists clinics with sorting out their activity to offer quality types of assistance.  Management control frameworks target bringing normality of objectives and coordination of procedures in medicinal services associations for useless control frameworks. The control frameworks are relied upon to screen and direct the conduct of laborers in the association. For example, the top administration relies upon data gave at various administration levels to settle on choices and to assess forms. The board control frameworks in social insurance associations are worried about asset allotment, coordination, and inspiration of the representatives. The control framework in the administration of social insurance associations applies procedures, for example, all out quality administration. Complete quality administration is a part of the executives which continually targets improving quality administrations and the executives. Each human services organization’s the board ought to build up a control framework altered to its objectives and assets. These control frameworks iden tify with the inspiration of workers in social insurance associations through various standards as laid out underneath:  Focus on basic focuses: for example, controls are utilized where disappointment is a risk and the expenses don't surpass a particular sum.
Friday, June 5, 2020
Fossil Fuels Categories (Coal, Oil, Natural Gas) and Renewable Energy - 275 Words
Categories Of Fossil Fuels (Coal, Oil, Natural Gas) and Renewable Energy (Essay Sample) Content: Fossil FuelNameInstitutional AffiliationDate of SubmissionFossil FuelsQuestion 1Fossil fuels are materials that formed through the decay of plants and animal life after many years. The following are three categories of fossil fuels:CoalCoal is a fossil fuel that appears as a black rock, which is extracted through mining operations. It composed of different types of elements such oxygen, sulfur, and carbon.OilOil undergoes various stages and procedures of refinement to give different products such as kerosene and petrol. Petroleum is the most commonly used product which is extracted from the marine fossils where they are found trapped in the rock (Shafiee Topal, 2009)Natural gasNatural gases are mostly extracted from the plankton decay and the algae that are reused. Natural gases are used for domestic heating and cooking.Question 2Although oil has been important to human, social and economic development, there are many environmental problems related to this kind of fo ssil fuel. Drilling of the oil during extraction destroys natural surroundings, and during refining process energy exhaustive which uses poisonous substances. The burning of oil produces carbon dioxide and other harmful substances which pollute the atmosphere, and the transportation of oil can cause oil spills (Shafiee Topal, 2009).Coal mining is very harmful to human health more so when its not regulated; it can be a dangerous and fatal job. The burning of coal natural gas produces carbon dioxide which causes greenhouse effect and acid rain. Extraction of gas also causes serious damage to the environment.Question 3Three types of renewable energy include; solar energy from the sun, wind energy, geothermal energy a...
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Personal Ethics And Morality And Truth - 1743 Words
Growing up I was raised very one sided, my family raised me Muslim so everything I was learning was what they believed was right; never questioning my stance or anything. My ethics and morality were simple, whatever my parents believed I believed; no questions asked. With them right and wrong were very clear, if it went against our beliefs it was wrong, if it did not it was right. However, as I grew older and distanced myself apart from my family, I started to think more for myself and less for others, questioning everything being said and figuring out what beliefs were mine, and what were others handed down to me. I started forming my own opinions, and defining myself as more than just my religion. For me, decision and the truth all†¦show more content†¦evil, and that my morals are too high to be bringing evil into the workplace. When ethics is being practiced, ethics likes to answer the questions of human morality, by placing us in scenarios involving good and evil, right and wrong, justice and crime. Human kind as a whole always has positions in our lives that make us question our morals and truth. Whether it is a son or daughter being asked where they are, a husband who is cheating on his wife, or even an employee being trusted with the company money and testing if she/he holds more evil and steals the money or good and does what they are told. Of course since we are being tested without realizing it, many times we do fail; one of the major ethical failures we tend to do include lying, stealing, and benefiting yourself rather than helping others. Lying, and manipulation can play a big role in everyone’s life; while many will say lying is a bad form of ethics, not many can agree that lying can sometimes hold advantages. It all goes back to the context of the scenario; sometimes the truth can hurt more than the lie and you want to protect someone from that. Lying to benefit the other person, to help you appear better, or to even protect your self or others. Lies can help a person get higher up in social situations, avoid someone from getting hurt, or even protecting a loved one.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Brief Note On Human Resource Management And The Philips...
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (4.707) ASSIGHNMENT ON HIRING PROCESS BY SALES MANAGER SUBMITTED BY SHAMANTH GOURISH BABU STUDENT ID: 20141895 E-MAIL: WORD COUNT QUESTION 1- 1117 STREAM - 136 SUBMITTED TO - DR. BOB BEAVE DATE: 5 June 2015 INTRODUCTION I was working in Philips Company in India as a sales manager of the different types of the product and the Philips Company was founded in 1891 by Gerard Philips his father Frederik Philips they came with company as Philips co. in Netherland at Eindhoven after 5 years the young brother strengthened the Philips co by introducing the bulbs in a market within a few years the Philips company become a largest supply of bulbs and commercial talent in the world and it was industrial revolution and Philips research laboratory was established at 1914 and they started introduce the first innovation is x-ray and radio technology. Here we dealing with many products like sound and vision particularly televisions, home cinema sound, home audio, DJ equipment’s, Headphones, Digital audio and video and many other products and company providing the customer service which is the main component of business during the outlets and involving with the customer interaction. (, 2014) 1. A) KEY RESULTS AREA PERFORMANCE STANDARD CONTROL INFORMATION To increase a number of customers in overseas and local marketShow MoreRelatedThe Internet Of Information Technology3102 Words  | 13 Pagespart of new generation of information technology and known as an important stage of development â€Å"information†age. (Ashton, 2009). As the name suggest, IOT means the materials, objects, animals or people which are connected to the internet without human-computer interaction by sensors or other unique identifiers. (Rouse, 2014). 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Effects of Violent Video Games free essay sample
The author gives ample explanation on evidence used from his sources to give the optimal understanding to the reader of the results and/or findings given by the sources. The article connects to the modern age of gamers with examples from big name video games popular with today’s video gamers. Although Mr. Carey does give evidence that violent video games have been found to give short term negative effects he does reassure the reader through quotes and statements from his sources that no studies show consistent long term effects. The claim of the author about the research on the effects of violent video games is strongly supported and backed through his use of rhetorical appeals and scholarly evidence. Even though Mr. Carey is not an expert in this field of study his experience as a veteran of scientific writer, having written for Science Times and The New York Times for over 10 years, shows through his very valuable and knowledge sources that he quotes and uses examples from in this article. The author uses quotes from various researchers and scientist throughout this article such as economist, psychologist, and doctors all valuable sources that share the opinion of his claim. Mr. Carey then goes on to connect his sources statement with the ethos appeal by explaining their authority. Craig A. Anderson, a psychologist at Iowa State University, is an expert in his field of study which is the effects of violent media, including video games, on today’s adolescents. Mr. Carey uses the quote â€Å"None of these extreme acts, like a school shooting, occurs because of only one risk factor; there are many factors, including feeling socially isolated, being bullied, and so on,†from Dr. Anderson to support his claim by showing that most blame of violent outbreaks in society are blamed on one single thing, like video games, but if you look at the studies there are some many different factors that affect the behavior of today’s society. The author then goes on to say â€Å"Most researchers in the field agree with Dr. Anderson evidence and findings,†which establishes an accepted respect of authority for his source. This gives the reader a feeling of comfort in knowing that these sources are scholarly and can be trusted. Another source used by the author explains a recent experiment by psychologists at Iowa State University have found that after a short usage of the fighting game â€Å"Mortal Kombat†that they indeed acted slightly more aggressive shortly following the experiment but ultimately couldn’t find any results in long term effects. Mr. Carey states â€Å"Many similar studies have found the same thing: A dose of violent gaming makes people act a little more rudely than they would otherwise, at least for a few minutes after playing, but little is found about what actually follows,†this gives more support to his claim by displaying that his claim is the generally accepted and agreed upon opinion of most scholars in this field of study. Throughout the article the author gives each of his source’s full detailed background to explain why they are creditable and trustworthy sources. Mr. Carey’s use of providing credentials and authority to all his sources is used to give his claim creditability and make the reader respect his opinion. The author uses evidence from his sources throughout the article to connect logic thinking to his claim which goes along with the rhetorical appeal of logos. Mr. Carey uses real life situations to appeal to the reader’s logic so his claim makes more logically sense and can be backed easier. The author says â€Å"Many psychologists argue that violent video games â€Å"socialize†children over time, prompting them to imitate the behavior of the game’s characters, the cartoonish machismo, the hair-trigger rage, the dismissive brutality. Children also imitate flesh and blood people in their lives, of course  parents, friends, teachers, siblings  and one question that researchers have not yet answered is when, exactly, a habit is so consuming that its influence trumps the socializing effects of other major figures in a child’s life,†this statement from Mr. Carey used to bring all real life situations such as socializing, cartoon and video games characters, parents, etc. all together and uses that to how is claim is the logic choice when evaluating all these things in your life. The author then goes on to state, â€Å"Yet it is not at all clear whether, over longer periods, such a habit increases the likelihood that a person will commit a violent crime, like murder, rape, or assault, much less a Newtown-like massacre. (Such calculated rampages are too rare to study in any rigorous way, researchers agree. †which makes the reader really think logically about how much of an impact that video games has on violent behavior in today’s society. The author uses these examples which most people find to be the worst types of violent behavior in a way that is not charged or an error in logic because the way he uses them makes us thinking on a more realistic and deep level about how they are connected to violent video games. Mr. Care y tries to use every angle he can throughout his article including the rhetorical appeal of pathos through his use of tragic recent events and other statements that would make most readers feel on an emotional level. At the start of the article the author says, â€Å"The young men who opened fire at Columbine High School, at the movie theater in Aurora, Colo. , and in other massacres had this in common: they were video gamers who seemed to be acting out some dark digital fantasy. It was as if all that exposure to computerized violence gave them the idea to go on a rampage  or at least fueled their urges,†which for many readers hits directly on their heart strings because of how tragic the events he listed were and the toll they put emotional on most people in the United States when they happened. Mr. Carey uses this statement in such a way to really get the reader’s attention to his article that some other article may not because of how it connects with the reader’s emotions. Next the author states, â€Å"The issue is especially relevant today, because the games are more realistic and bloodier than ever, and because most American boys play them at some point,†which might makes most parents reading this article to think about their children especially those with boys about how the games they are playing effects them. This is another effective way the author uses the reader’s emotion to connect with his central claim about video games. Benedict Carey’s article â€Å"Shooting in the Dark†is effectively used by him to support his claim that there are no serious long term negative effects found from violent video games in today’s research. The author used rhetorical appeals of ethos, logos, and pathos throughout his entire article to good effect with me the reader. With Mr. Carey’s ethos appeal of giving all his sources a high base authority by backing them with ample background crediting and evidence gives the reader a feeling of comfort when reading. In his logos appeal Carey appeals to the reader’s logic by using real life situations that most readers would face in their everyday lives to connect his claim about video games into a normally logical way of thinking for the reader. Lastly Mr. Carey appeals to the reader’s emotion in his article by touching on recent tragic events and facts that effect children as to connect to the reader’s more emotional side. Overall I feel the author’s use of rhetorical appeals and solid scholarly sources gives the reader a very trust worthy and valuable take on the argument about the true effects that violent video games play on today’s society. Works Cited Carey, Benedict. Shooting in the Dark. The New York Times. N. p. , 11 Feb. 2013. Web. 20 Mar. 2013.
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Network design free essay sample
The network IP addressing scheme for the MD building is designed to ease network management. It have to protect students and employees data as well as any intellectual property that UMUC has on the servers and computers. The IPS with Application Level Gateway Firewall security appliance will be installed to secure the private network from the Internet and provide IPSec VPN connectivity to the main UMUC office. The Intrusion Protection System (IPS) is able to inspect network traffic, examine and filter based on information contained within the data portion of a packet. It help the IT personnel monitor, log, and detect security breaches. It could use to send security breach alerts, terminate security breaches, and terminate or restart processes. The network will use the Ethernet, 24 RJ-45 ports, Power over Ethernet (P0E) switch series because of their high performance. The switches are can support up to 144 gigabit network connections (10/100/1000baseT Ethernet) and one will be installed on each floor in the Server Room. We will write a custom essay sample on Network design or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The switches will be configured with a tagged VLAN (Virtual Local Area Networks) for each subnet. The network will be secured using Active Directory single sign-on and IP addresses centrally managed using DHCP with DHCP relay enabled on the switches to forward DHCP broadcast traffic as unicast transmissions across VLAN boundaries. The switches also will be installed in each office or room which have more than four workstations. The switches will be connected in a partial mesh that ensures no single point of network failure. A Wireless Access Point, 802.n11b/g/n Wireless, 100Base TX Ethernet series will integrate seamlessly into the network with VLAN support and provide 104 Mbps network access speed. Wireless media access will be protected using WPA2 security with AES 256 encryption and authentication using user credentials and 802. 1x integrated into Active Directory via Radius(ACLs applied to the VLAN for security). The servers in server rooms with the Windows Server operating system will be installed for the Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange servers and as dedicated file servers. This hardware includes a RAID 5 fault tolerant, hot swappable disk array that will continue to operate even if one drive in the array fails. Each server is also equipped with a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) that filters power line surges and enables graceful shutdown in the event of a power outage to protect data from corruption. The primary Active Directory domain controller will reside on the first floor and a backup domain controller on the second floor to maintain network access if the primary domain controller fails and share the load. The servers in each lab (six class room computer labs and a student computer lab) with the Windows Server operating system will be installed for the Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange servers and as dedicated file servers to support each special lab need. Each server will have two network interface card (NIC) and could be configuration to be a small network. Each floor will also be equipped with an network printing scanning, copying for Administrative and Instructional networks. The Administrative printers will be in the front of server room each floor. The Instructional printer will be in the front of library and student computer lab. CAT6 UTP (plenum rated where required) will be installed in a star topology because is less expensive and provides higher performance than ring (using Token Ring Protocol) and bus (using RG6 and RG58 coax cable). However the distance from the server room on each floor to the last room is over 300 feet (the Ethernet limit) and a diagonal pull through the ceiling (240 feet length, 95 feet width plus a 30 feet drop). We have to install switches 150 feet from the server rooms to manage the far four rooms in each floor. The network subnet layout enables administrators to quickly locate computers by IP address by building floor and room, and whether the computer is a server, staff computer or instructor’s computer. The subnet layout minimized the broadcast traffic that can reduce network performance by limiting the number of computers in each broadcast domain. The subnet layout also provides for efficient use of IP addresses by including only the number of IP addresses in each subnet necessary to support current computers plus a few additional IP addresses for immediate expansion when required. For security reasons and to differentiate subnets, The first digit in the third octet designates to the floors ( 1 for the first floor and 2 for the second floor). The second digit designates to the group ( 1 for Instructional, 2 for Administrative network and 3 for the Wi-Fi)
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Underage Driving Essays
Underage Driving Essays Underage Driving Paper Underage Driving Paper TEEN TRAFFIC Attention! Attention! Attention! If you are a teenager or a parent of one then – it is a MUST for you to read on. It is very important for you to know that driving and especially underage driving is a potentially â€Å"risky activity†. Nowadays, in the times of modernization and the exposure, the teenagers are getting, they find it difficult to resist the temptation of driving before the right age. Due to peer pressure and to look cool, most teenagers start driving at an early age. It gives them a feeling of invincibility, freedom and independence. But is this rosy world of teens as beautiful as they think it is? Well, let’s see. It is true that anyone driving on the roads is quite in danger of meeting with an accident and teens between the ages of 16 yrs to 19 yrs are more vulnerable to it. The reason being that they are the most inexperienced when it comes to matters of the road. It has been found that the most number of people jumping a red light, taking illegal turns or driving with too many pillion riders are teens. They are even found wanting in the use of seat belts. Teens are the ones who usually meet with more number of accidents due to their immaturity as they often underestimate the seriousness or danger involved in a situation. They are wild by nature and high in spirits and also quite carefree. The fact that they are breaking rules and still not getting caught gives them a feeling of boldness. They often wear an attitude that says – ‘I can get away with anything and everything†. But ask the families who have lost one of their dear ones due to road accidents and are suffering now but also repenting at the same time due to their only mistake of allowing their young child to drive prematurely. Well, the fact remains that parents who allow their kids to drive on the roads whether, only for making their lives easy as the teens have to rush from their schools to tuition classes, don’t even think twice about its consequences. Statistics say that 1400 adolescents died due to underage driving in India in the year 1999 and the numbers keep increasing drastically every year. I feel that the leniency of the traffic police and negligence of the parents is the main cause of this problem. I don’t understand why is it so difficult for the traffic police to keep a check on underage driving as anyone in a school uniform driving a vehicle is underage. Traffic rules should be carefully explained and strictly enforced in all places. The police should be strict and should levy heavy fines on the offenders. Parents should also guide their wards in obeying traffic rules. The teenagers should be made to realize that driving is full of responsibilities and is a very serious issue. It involves the safety of not only their lives but also the other traffickers. The most important thing is that if the parents set an example by obeying traffic laws then their children will respect the law too. The schools can also contribute by making the students aware of the dangers involved in driving and the responsibility that comes with it. I feel that a combined effort of the police, parents and the schools will certainly help to reduce this problem to a great extent.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Government Reforms in Brazil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Government Reforms in Brazil - Essay Example Again Brazil is not alone in this condition. Most countries in Latin and South America that were once ran by the military have abandoned this system in favor of democracy, the same way countries in Eastern Europe that were once part of the Communist Bloc are now embracing the democratic way of life as the better path to progress and peace. For these countries, there is greater pressure to institute these democratic reforms. The reform agenda enunciated by the Da Silva government in 2002 sought to tinker with the Constitution by amending its provisions on public administration, taxation, social security and ownership of energy and communications facilities. Da Silva's predecessor pushed these very same reforms but succeeded only in introducing new procedures in public administration. These reforms were also implemented on an ad hoc basis unaccompanied by meaningful structural changes. (Bresser-Pereira, L., 2003) Civil service reforms were placed high on the list because Brazil is known for its inefficient bureaucracy. Even progressive countries like UK and those in the OECD bloc are streamlining their bureaucracy in the increasing realization that structural inefficiencies in public administration are one of the main causes of the fiscal crisis and the budget deficit. (MARE-Brazil) The bureaucratic reforms pursued in Brazil were thus patterned after the UK model that is also popular in other OECD countries. Its main features call for the decentralization of government functions and services, providing more autonomy, more public accountability and separating policy formulation from execution. Part of the reforms was getting government out of business. This is the same policy carried out in UK, which has already privatized most public utilities. Brazil also turned over to non-government organizations the ownership and management of social and scientific activities. For example, 12 previously state-run hospitals in Sao Paulo are now in the hands of NGOs. (Bresser-Pereira, L., 1999) Another phase of the bureaucratic reforms serves to democratize entry to government employment by eliminating the policy that sets a single labor standard for civil servants. The government also put a cap on the salaries of employees in the judicial and legislative branches and adopted the total quality management approach to managerial activities in government service. (CLAD, 1998) Business and Tax Reforms Tax reform is high on the political agenda as part of the effort to encourage the informal business sector to go formal to increase the government's tax collection. The informal economy in Brazil is so large it is not limited to small and medium scale enterprises but extends to large concerns in the retail and construction industries. In the process, the government misses out on taxes that could run into billions of reals. To encourage the informal business sector to formalize their operations, the government uses the carrot and stick approach to persuade the companies concerned to register their businesses. It is emphasized that going formal gives these companies access to financing and technology assistance. (OECD,
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
The Analysis of the Recent Microsoft's Acquisition of Skype Research Paper
The Analysis of the Recent Microsoft's Acquisition of Skype - Research Paper Example Acquisition is also used as a strategic tool for entering a foreign market, when other methods for achieving the specific target are not available (Coffey et al. 2001, p.52). In the above context, acquisition can highly enhance the organizational performance, under the terms that all its phases are carefully monitored; the readiness of the buyer to acquire an organization, with all the consequences of such initiative, needs to be evaluated in advance. The level of success of acquisition, as described above, is high and it is for this reason that managers of organizations worldwide prefer the specific strategy. In any case, the use of acquisition for covering various organizational needs to meet specific requirements: if the cost of the process is estimated to be significantly higher from the expected benefits, then another strategy of this type would be preferred (Frankel 2005). Moreover, if the acquired firm is of different culture/ industry, then time would be required for aligning the aims of the two organizations. Under certain terms, the acquired company cannot support the activities of the new owner – probably because the cultural or operational differences between the two firms are so high that acquisition would not benefit the company that initiated the above process. In accordance with Darby (2006) the successful completion of an acquisition process requires that accurate information are exchanged between the buyer and the seller in order for the assets of the acquired company to be effectively managed. Moreover, Coffey et al. (2001) note that every acquisition plan need to be carefully in advance regarding its costs; it is explained that if not all costs are estimated with accuracy - reference is made to the ‘purchase costs, administrative costs and integration costs’ (Coffey et al. 2001, p.52) – then the process is likely to fail, in the short or the long term. From a similar point of view, Rock et al. (1994) noted that the key target of an acquisition should be ‘the creation of a strategic advantage’ (Rock et al. 1994, p.5), meaning that the specific process would help the firm to improve its position towards its competitors. Particular emphasis is also given on the successful integration of the acquired company within the business entity of the buyer (Rock et al. 1994, p.5). The decision of Microsoft to acquire Skype would be evaluated by referring to the issues discussed above. Microsoft is a firm well established in the global market; in fact the organization is considered as one of the key competitors in the software industry – along with Apple (Yahoo Finance, 2011). The tools that Microsoft had already developed in regard to the direct – online communication, such as the Live Messenger and Xbox & Kinect, have performed quite well in the global market. However, still the firm did not have the control of the market, regarding products of such characteristics. Apple with a series of products/ software of advanced technology, such as iPhone and iMessage, had managed to get an important share of the market (Yahoo Finance 2011, Huo 2011). In the above context, the acquisition of Skype would offer to Microsoft a key strategic advantage towards its competitors – especially Apple; such perspective is among the main causes of acquisition as a business strategy, as explained above (Microsoft News Center 2011). At the next level, Microsoft is a firm quite powerful, in terms of funds available for the
Friday, January 31, 2020
Mktg Plans Essay Example for Free
Mktg Plans Essay The type of decision-making a consumer uses for a product does not necessarily remain constant as the needs and wants of consumers are constantly changing and newer innovations are constantly being churned out to fulfill our changing needs. Nowadays what would usually involve a routine response behavior is not as simple because of the enormous variety a consumer has to choose from. There are many things that a consumer can evaluate in terms of purchasing a product; packaging, price, reputation, and whether or not there is a sale on the item can all be factors that a consumer evaluates. It might be even that the product is currently very trendy at the moment that would motivate the buyer to purchase it, which would be a case of limited decision-making. There are also many sociodemographic factors that affect the type of decision-making a consumer uses for a product. For instance, if you receive a big bonus and have more income going into your household, you may choose to use limited or extensive decision making in picking out a product with better brand recognition and of better quality. Another reasons that affect the type of decision-making a consumer uses for a product does not necessarily remain constant is for different occasions the product is being used for. For example, if someone were to attend a fancy party whose host you are trying to impress, you would use extensive decision making in order to pick out a wine that tells the host that they have class and a fine taste in wine. An example of how the type of decision-making I use has not remained constant is for my use of high-end fashion items, such as shoes from Ferragamo. If I wanted a pair of shoes from the main website I would search all over the web for the same shoes at a discounted rate for me to get the best deal on them. However, if I see shoes that I like and are on sale on the main Ferragamo site, I would buy them right away with no hesitation. Buying a high-end product at a discounted rate would lower my buyer’s remorse. A new service that is targeted at the college student market are house-cleaning services. The house-cleaning services often come in packages for a full clean up service for a minimum of 2 hours for around $65-$80. This service can be extremely profitable within the college student target market as a general conception of the college demographic is that they are fans of instant gratification. They are the ones who would rather not spend the time buying cleaning products at a store to clean their whole house, when it would only take 65 dollars (split between 2-4 roommates) for their house to be spotless in 2 hours. Although this service is offered, I don’t think they have capitalized on the college student market enough. I often hear these services through word-of-mouth or by an occasional Groupon deal. There are several different forums house-cleaning services can be offered to the college demographic in a more effective way: enhanced web presence, and cross-selling once a clie nt has been established are some of them. The main factors a house-cleaning service needs to consider when targeting a college target market are price and long-term commitments. A college student often has a limited budget on what they can spend so the cost of labor of a cleaning service has to be reasonable in order to outweigh the prospects of buying their own cleaning products at a much more affordable rate. Students are constantly on the lookout for deals and discounts and are constantly on the Internet, so Groupon, Living Social, Facebook, and Craigslist are great ways to advertise the service. The Internet is also a great source for students to research the ratings of the company offering the service because credibility of the company offering the service is highly important for a house-cleaning service since they are entering your home and have access to all your personal belongings; this is a way you can eliminate your competitors – by being the most credible and collecting the most amount of favorable reviews online. Long-term commitment is important because this is a service that needs to be used frequently in order to churn out the most amount of profit. A student must find value in having their house cleaned frequently by being pleased with the outcome of the service the first time. In order to yield customer returns and customer satisfaction, the house-cleaning service company can offer deals such as â€Å"For every 1 time you use us, you get 35% off your next house-cleaning,†or â€Å"Buy a package deal of 4 house-cleaning services for the price of 3.†They can even offer additional services such as laundry services that include cleaning, folding, and ironing. Timing is another factor a house-cleaning service can capitalize on since college students are those who want instant gratification. You can offer a service that is available 24 hours and have the job done in an hour and a half. Lastly, a house-cleaning service could take advantage of the social issues trending. Currently, while flu season is in full throttle, many students are getting sick. A house-cleaning service could advertise their flyers at a student health center or somewhere that students get flu shots with advertisements that stress on the need for a clean and germ-free house so that students can avoid getting sick. A company can create an atmosphere on its website by reflecting the same amount of value and prestige they have in there store directly onto their website. There are several factors a company needs to evaluate such as the usability of the website (whether or not it is easy to navigate, whether or not the functions work, and whether or not all the products are available), the websites atmosphere (sounds, presentation, layout ect.) The atmosphere of the website should communicate to the customer that it is a viable and reliable means of purchasing their products by making it look professional. The website atmosphere can encompass music and designs that compliment the prestige of the actual store. For example, the online store for Louis Vuitton evokes a very prestigious feel where many of the functions of the website are there for aesthetic purposes. The photographs used on the website are taken by professional photographers and the typeface is very elegant and classy. Although there is a lot of information on the website, it is very organized and flows very well in a direction that pushes a consumer to dig deeper into their site, finding more products to look at. The website is also organized in categories of their products which makes it easier to navigate around, such as shoes, dresses, and my favorite category, sale. Furthermore, there is a function on the website that allows a customer to zoom in on the product, allowing able to hone in on every inch of the product, assuring the products quality. A customer can browse the product from every angle and determine whether or not each specification of the product is suitable for them. Lastly, when a customer has decided to purchase a product, the website suggests more products for the consumer to buy that have a similar style to the one they have purchased and guarantees returns and a full refund if they are unhappy with their purchase. The process is also simple and fast, which eliminates the possibility of a consumer backing out of their purchase. It is obvious to the consumer that Louis Vuitton is a top-tier brand through its intricately and carefully designed website. The price is all extremely high, but it emphasizes its strong global presence in the most luxurious retail markets and gives you an impression that the brand is worth the money. If I were to start a pet grooming service in a town where there are two established pet groomers, I would price lower in order to gain recognition and penetrate the market. I would set my penetration price to a low price and sell my services in bundles in order to expose the services I offer as well as show that the quality of my services can match up to the existing competition. Once I have captured an interested audience, I can begin to maximize on customer loyalty strategies to keep them coming. I would constantly monitor my competition in order to learn about new services they offer as well as their prices in order to stay competitive. Since I am offering lower costs, it would be essential for me to estimate and calculate my demand and cost in order to not lose money in this endeavor. I would attempt to lower my overhead costs in running my grooming service at locations I do not have to rent, such as my house in order to yield a profit quicker. I would position my company to be a smaller, less established company who can do the job just as well as the other grooming services. I would start off by using my friends and family to bring in their pets for me to display my services on my front lawn in order to attract attention to potential customers so that their perceived quality of my services are that it is legitimate and that I take good care of their pets. Other reasons for why I would price my product low is because a pet grooming service is not a necessity, which means that in a down economy, a pet grooming service wouldn’t be anybody’s priority. Therefore a low price point can convince them that the value in having a well groomed pet is worth the money. Lastly, I would differentiate my services from my competitors in order to lower the associated price elasticity. I believe this value trade-off will drive the market to the lower-priced alternative.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Gender Identity without Gender Prescriptions Essay example -- Philosop
The feminist philosopher Susan Bordo suggests that the dilemma of twentieth-century feminism is the tension between a gender identity that both mobilizes a liberatory politics on behalf of women and that results in gender prescriptions which excludes many women. This tension seems especially acute in feminist debates about essentialism/deconstructionism. Concentrating on the shared sex of women may run the risk of embracing an essentialism that ignores the differences among women, whereas emphasizing the constructed natures of sex and gender categories seems to threaten the very project of a feminist politics. I will analyze the possibility of dismantling gender prescriptions while retaining a gender identity that can be the beginning for an emancipatory politics. Perhaps feminists need not rely on a reified essentialism that elides the differences of race, class, etc., if we begin with our social practices of classification rather than with a priori generalizations about the nature of women. Perhaps it is easiest to begin with that which seems self-evident: we categorize people according to sex. Therefore, it also seems self-evident that women form a (natural) group based on a shared sex, resulting in a common gender identity. Historically, feminism politics have relied on this assumed sameness among all women. Feminism can represent the interests of all women because, after all, women are all alike in being women. Of course, women differ with regard to race, class, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and so on. But these differences have been seen as less basic than the shared similarity of sex and gender. Recently, however, more and more feminists have protested that these differences matter just as much to one's identit... ...sitions within each of these [economic, cultural, socio-political] contexts .... Despite considerable variability in what this means for particular women, this general feature of women's experience is sufficiently universal, by all anthropological and historical accounts, that it would seem to support at least a qualified conception of a distinctive women's standpoint, one which takes into account the fact that gender is by no means the only factor shaping women's lives" ("The Philosophy of Ambivalence: Sandra Harding on The Science Question in Feminism as found in Science, Morality and Feminist Theory" eds. Marsha Hanen and Kai Nielsen, Calgary: U of Calgary P, 1987, 68). (25) Bordo, Feminism/Postmodernism, 153. (26) To paraphrase Bordo "the chief imperative was [is] to listen, to become aware of one's biases, prejudices, ignorance" Feminism/Postmodernism, 138.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Is Torture Ever Ok? Essay
A lot of times in these scenarios there are no other options and torturing someone is the only way to get fast results before it is too late. I am a utilitarian thinker and I believe in the greatest good for the most people. If a lot of people’s lives are at stake in a situation and can be saved because of one criminal’s pain then torturing is the way to go. I believe that torture can be morally justified in many extreme circumstances and by regulating torture by law then it could benefit our society. My first argument will show how torture can be used to help stop a bank robber who has many hostages. Suppose, the authorities arrested one of the conspirators of the bank robber and they weren’t getting anything out of him. The bank robber told the authorities that if they didn’t get him a plane out of the country then he would start killing hostages. The authorities don’t know where the bank robber is or the hostages. The bank robber says they only have fifteen minutes to arrange him a plane before he starts killing the hostages. The authorities could torture the conspirators and get the information they need to save the hostages and arrest the bank robber or they could let the hostages die. This is why in my opinion torture is morally justified in this situation. The first argument I used shows a real example of how torturing can save people lives, arrest a criminal, and prevent more people from dying in the short and long run. A stakeholder from my last paper, Mirko Bagaric, agree with me. Bagaric is a professor of law at Deakin University and according to him, â€Å"torture is justifiable when used as an information gathering technique to avert great risk†(Bagaric, p. 264). In my example, it obviously agrees with Bagaric’s statement. There are many variables that go into whether or not torturing someone in a severe situation is permissible. Bagaric wrote a list of these variables: â€Å"1. the number of lives at risk; 2. the immediacy of the harm; 3. the availability of other means to acquire the information; 4. the level of wrongdoing of the agent; and 5. the likelihood that the agent actually does process the relevant information. †I believe that if these were the five rules in a law that regulated torture so we could set a compromise with people who think torture should never happen. The biggest reason I believe torturing is ok in harm-based situations is because it is our moral duty to save other people’s lives. In my opinion, some moral duties override others. The moral duty to save thousands of people overrides the moral duty to respect someone’s physical body, who is holding information from you because they want all those people to die. Everyone must agree that the most basic and important human right is the right to life. If you have a chance to save thousands of lives and torturing is your only option then the choice is obvious. Torturing must be ok in some circumstances, in order to save lives. I am not saying that people should torture a person to death because that violates their right to live. But, if the torture only causes some physical pain to one person to save many lives then torture should be morally and legally permissible. In Heinz site, whenever torturing someone there should always be a doctor there to make sure the person being tortured isn’t killed. I do not think torturing is always ok and it should always should be the last option, but when worse comes to worse saving thousands of people is worth torturing a person who is ok with those people dying. People who oppose torture at all times are deontologists. Deontologists believe that general rules and values must be respected regardless of the outcome. According to them even a savage terrorist who wants to kill their family and friends should not be harmed because it is immoral to inflict physical pain on someone. They believe that you should never bend the rules even if it causes death. Some of them believe that if you allow torturing that you will start down a slippery slope. For example, this slippery slope could lead up to killing a prisoner to avoid a bomb going off and killing thousands. And, what if, you killed the prisoner and he or she didn’t give up any information. The slippery slope of sinning leads to more sinning according to deontologists. For them, torture promotes violence and sin. Although, I do agree with some of the components from the other side’s argument it doesn’t change the fact the torture is needed in some malicious cases. I agree that you should not cause another person physical harm, but if harming this person can saves lives I believe it is morally ok. People have a greater moral obligation to preserve our species and defend our family and country. If physically harming one person can help us do this then torturing should be acceptable. Opponents to torture also stated that we will go down a slippery road to sin and killing people being tortured, but I disagree. I believe that we are rational enough to be able to torture someone and keep them alive. When torturing someone I think it would only be acceptable if a doctor was present to make sure the person be tortured didn’t die. Also, I believe we have to be one-hundred-percent positive the prisoner has the information we want, otherwise; torturing them would be wrong. I know that torturing is wrong in most cases but in should be acceptable in others. Bagaric states that â€Å"A legal framework should be established to properly accommodate these situations,†(Bagaric 274). If torture were to be regulated instead of prohibited, it would bring out greater good then it would harm. Torture happens whether it is prohibited or not. If we create the idea of a torture warrant at least we are stating what we are doing instead of hiding it. The only way to get a torture warrant would be to meet the five variables Bagaric wrote. Doctors being present when a prisoner is being tortured also insures that his or her life is being watched over carefully. In this example it shows that torture can be regulated to insure we don’t fall down a slippery slope and that it will help save many people in the future. My second argument shows that regulation of torture is better than prohibiting it. In my opinion, admitting what you do is better than lying about it. â€Å"Torture is outlawed in Israel yet they have been criticized all over the world for torturing people,†(Dershowitz). They are being hypocritical. It is a known fact that the United States tortures people secretly to find vital information. Although they try to be secretive about it, they usually get caught. It would be better if everyone knew that torture does happen and has to sometimes. I agree and wish that we never had to do it, but sometimes to save lives you have. By regulating torture, people will not be hypocritical about it and there will be rules pertaining to the issue. An obvious objection to this argument is again, the slippery slope. People against torture believe if you open the door to torture, even if you regulate it, you will lead to more and more torture. They say even if you torture is needed in extreme situations that making it legal will allow torture in less desperate situations. Again, I can rebuttal this objection of the slippery slope for regulating torture. First off, torture is already used even though it is legally prohibited. I believe making regulating torture will actually decrease it. People will have to get torture warrant and we should make very sure those are hard to get. Second, Bagaric and Clarke say, that â€Å"there is no evidence to suggest that the lawful violation of fundamental human interests will necessarily lead to a violation of fundamental rights where the per-conditions for the activity are clearly delineated and controlled. †For example, we use the death penalty in the U. S. , but we still value life and haven’t been putting people to death unless it was for a legitimate reason. Religions such as the Muslim-American religion state, â€Å"It is irreligious, immoral, and unethical†(Rashid 1). They state their religious history is full of stories demanding that we condemn abuse and torture. The Muslim-American’s say that, â€Å"The Prophet Moses sacrificed his royal position to stop an act of torture†(Rashid1). They state, the Prophet Muhammad forbade the mistreatment of prisoners. Torture offends Muslim-Americans because it is immoral nature. They state that the torture of human beings at the behest of the American government must be condemned. They say that, â€Å"Simply because another country allows torture does not mean we should encourage and utilize the moral weakness of others†(Rashid 1). They explain that when we ratified the Convention Against Torture President Ronald Reagan said, â€Å"[We] clearly express United States opposition to torture, an abhorrent practice unfortunately still prevalent in the world today. †They also applaud President Obama for shining light on these shameful practices. Finally they said, â€Å"We cannot be deaf to the voice of justice, but must establish it. Torture is not just†(Rashid 2). The Muslim Religion has many valid points, but I disagree that torture is always wrong and immoral. Sometimes bad things can be used for the greater good. My father who was a veteran of the Air Force knows how important it is to get vital information out of enemies. My father believes, like Bagaric, â€Å"when many lives are at risk and the only way to save someone is torture them then you should do what is necessary. †My dad has been through torture training. My dad states that, â€Å"if the other side is going to torture us then we have to have to learn the same tactics. †My father said in the interview, â€Å"that torture should always be the last option, but when things are turning for the worst then sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. I agree with my father and I think that even torture may be immoral by itself it can be used to help people who are going to be killed which makes it moral. In conclusion, I believe prohibition of torture is wrong and that there needs to be a regulating law that allows torture so we can gather vital information. If there are more instances where thousands of peopleâ₠¬â„¢s lives are at risk and there is no other way of saving their lives then to torture someone then we most allow it. It should be morally acceptable to save people’s lives and I believe a people’s lives are worth more than an evil person’s physical pain.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Persuasive Speech Topics for College Students
How to Find Winning Persuasive Speech Topic? Coming up with a good idea for a persuasive speech may seem like a piece of cake. However, when you get a real task to perform, you suddenly realize that either your mind is completely blank, or you can come up with something boring and silly. So, how to invent a topic that will be interesting and provide a good opportunity to exercise public speaking? These simple tips can help you: Keep the balance: choose an area you are truly interested in, but avoid the topics which may be too touchy. Sometimes try to express the opinion opposite to yours. Choose a controversial issue, but do not go too deeply in religious, ideological or political concerns. Make your topic up-to-date, locally oriented and important for the audience. Limit the issue by choosing a part of the problem. Here are some ideas which you may find interesting: Developed countries should not help developing ones financially. Free higher education cannot conform to the standards of the modern society. Modern art will possess no cultural value in one hundred years. The failure to achieve your aim means there was no real desire to succeed. Business success is a matter of luck and has nothing to do with professionalism. High academic results are not important for your future professional success. In order to ensure free college education for all, government must introduce an additional tax for large and medium size companies. Despite being strict, college admission procedures fail to guarantee the right people being chosen. Long-term unemployment benefits discourage people from looking for a job and stimulate the unemployment. School curriculum must place a greater emphasis on science than humanities, as humanitarian subjects are easier to master.
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