Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Brief Note On Human Resource Management And The Philips...
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (4.707) ASSIGHNMENT ON HIRING PROCESS BY SALES MANAGER SUBMITTED BY SHAMANTH GOURISH BABU STUDENT ID: 20141895 E-MAIL: WORD COUNT QUESTION 1- 1117 STREAM - 136 SUBMITTED TO - DR. BOB BEAVE DATE: 5 June 2015 INTRODUCTION I was working in Philips Company in India as a sales manager of the different types of the product and the Philips Company was founded in 1891 by Gerard Philips his father Frederik Philips they came with company as Philips co. in Netherland at Eindhoven after 5 years the young brother strengthened the Philips co by introducing the bulbs in a market within a few years the Philips company become a largest supply of bulbs and commercial talent in the world and it was industrial revolution and Philips research laboratory was established at 1914 and they started introduce the first innovation is x-ray and radio technology. Here we dealing with many products like sound and vision particularly televisions, home cinema sound, home audio, DJ equipment’s, Headphones, Digital audio and video and many other products and company providing the customer service which is the main component of business during the outlets and involving with the customer interaction. (, 2014) 1. A) KEY RESULTS AREA PERFORMANCE STANDARD CONTROL INFORMATION To increase a number of customers in overseas and local marketShow MoreRelatedThe Internet Of Information Technology3102 Words  | 13 Pagespart of new generation of information technology and known as an important stage of development â€Å"information†age. (Ashton, 2009). As the name suggest, IOT means the materials, objects, animals or people which are connected to the internet without human-computer interaction by sensors or other unique identifiers. (Rouse, 2014). 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