Sunday, May 17, 2020
Personal Ethics And Morality And Truth - 1743 Words
Growing up I was raised very one sided, my family raised me Muslim so everything I was learning was what they believed was right; never questioning my stance or anything. My ethics and morality were simple, whatever my parents believed I believed; no questions asked. With them right and wrong were very clear, if it went against our beliefs it was wrong, if it did not it was right. However, as I grew older and distanced myself apart from my family, I started to think more for myself and less for others, questioning everything being said and figuring out what beliefs were mine, and what were others handed down to me. I started forming my own opinions, and defining myself as more than just my religion. For me, decision and the truth all†¦show more content†¦evil, and that my morals are too high to be bringing evil into the workplace. When ethics is being practiced, ethics likes to answer the questions of human morality, by placing us in scenarios involving good and evil, right and wrong, justice and crime. Human kind as a whole always has positions in our lives that make us question our morals and truth. Whether it is a son or daughter being asked where they are, a husband who is cheating on his wife, or even an employee being trusted with the company money and testing if she/he holds more evil and steals the money or good and does what they are told. Of course since we are being tested without realizing it, many times we do fail; one of the major ethical failures we tend to do include lying, stealing, and benefiting yourself rather than helping others. Lying, and manipulation can play a big role in everyone’s life; while many will say lying is a bad form of ethics, not many can agree that lying can sometimes hold advantages. It all goes back to the context of the scenario; sometimes the truth can hurt more than the lie and you want to protect someone from that. Lying to benefit the other person, to help you appear better, or to even protect your self or others. Lies can help a person get higher up in social situations, avoid someone from getting hurt, or even protecting a loved one.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Brief Note On Human Resource Management And The Philips...
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (4.707) ASSIGHNMENT ON HIRING PROCESS BY SALES MANAGER SUBMITTED BY SHAMANTH GOURISH BABU STUDENT ID: 20141895 E-MAIL: WORD COUNT QUESTION 1- 1117 STREAM - 136 SUBMITTED TO - DR. BOB BEAVE DATE: 5 June 2015 INTRODUCTION I was working in Philips Company in India as a sales manager of the different types of the product and the Philips Company was founded in 1891 by Gerard Philips his father Frederik Philips they came with company as Philips co. in Netherland at Eindhoven after 5 years the young brother strengthened the Philips co by introducing the bulbs in a market within a few years the Philips company become a largest supply of bulbs and commercial talent in the world and it was industrial revolution and Philips research laboratory was established at 1914 and they started introduce the first innovation is x-ray and radio technology. Here we dealing with many products like sound and vision particularly televisions, home cinema sound, home audio, DJ equipment’s, Headphones, Digital audio and video and many other products and company providing the customer service which is the main component of business during the outlets and involving with the customer interaction. (, 2014) 1. A) KEY RESULTS AREA PERFORMANCE STANDARD CONTROL INFORMATION To increase a number of customers in overseas and local marketShow MoreRelatedThe Internet Of Information Technology3102 Words  | 13 Pagespart of new generation of information technology and known as an important stage of development â€Å"information†age. (Ashton, 2009). As the name suggest, IOT means the materials, objects, animals or people which are connected to the internet without human-computer interaction by sensors or other unique identifiers. (Rouse, 2014). 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Effects of Violent Video Games free essay sample
The author gives ample explanation on evidence used from his sources to give the optimal understanding to the reader of the results and/or findings given by the sources. The article connects to the modern age of gamers with examples from big name video games popular with today’s video gamers. Although Mr. Carey does give evidence that violent video games have been found to give short term negative effects he does reassure the reader through quotes and statements from his sources that no studies show consistent long term effects. The claim of the author about the research on the effects of violent video games is strongly supported and backed through his use of rhetorical appeals and scholarly evidence. Even though Mr. Carey is not an expert in this field of study his experience as a veteran of scientific writer, having written for Science Times and The New York Times for over 10 years, shows through his very valuable and knowledge sources that he quotes and uses examples from in this article. The author uses quotes from various researchers and scientist throughout this article such as economist, psychologist, and doctors all valuable sources that share the opinion of his claim. Mr. Carey then goes on to connect his sources statement with the ethos appeal by explaining their authority. Craig A. Anderson, a psychologist at Iowa State University, is an expert in his field of study which is the effects of violent media, including video games, on today’s adolescents. Mr. Carey uses the quote â€Å"None of these extreme acts, like a school shooting, occurs because of only one risk factor; there are many factors, including feeling socially isolated, being bullied, and so on,†from Dr. Anderson to support his claim by showing that most blame of violent outbreaks in society are blamed on one single thing, like video games, but if you look at the studies there are some many different factors that affect the behavior of today’s society. The author then goes on to say â€Å"Most researchers in the field agree with Dr. Anderson evidence and findings,†which establishes an accepted respect of authority for his source. This gives the reader a feeling of comfort in knowing that these sources are scholarly and can be trusted. Another source used by the author explains a recent experiment by psychologists at Iowa State University have found that after a short usage of the fighting game â€Å"Mortal Kombat†that they indeed acted slightly more aggressive shortly following the experiment but ultimately couldn’t find any results in long term effects. Mr. Carey states â€Å"Many similar studies have found the same thing: A dose of violent gaming makes people act a little more rudely than they would otherwise, at least for a few minutes after playing, but little is found about what actually follows,†this gives more support to his claim by displaying that his claim is the generally accepted and agreed upon opinion of most scholars in this field of study. Throughout the article the author gives each of his source’s full detailed background to explain why they are creditable and trustworthy sources. Mr. Carey’s use of providing credentials and authority to all his sources is used to give his claim creditability and make the reader respect his opinion. The author uses evidence from his sources throughout the article to connect logic thinking to his claim which goes along with the rhetorical appeal of logos. Mr. Carey uses real life situations to appeal to the reader’s logic so his claim makes more logically sense and can be backed easier. The author says â€Å"Many psychologists argue that violent video games â€Å"socialize†children over time, prompting them to imitate the behavior of the game’s characters, the cartoonish machismo, the hair-trigger rage, the dismissive brutality. Children also imitate flesh and blood people in their lives, of course  parents, friends, teachers, siblings  and one question that researchers have not yet answered is when, exactly, a habit is so consuming that its influence trumps the socializing effects of other major figures in a child’s life,†this statement from Mr. Carey used to bring all real life situations such as socializing, cartoon and video games characters, parents, etc. all together and uses that to how is claim is the logic choice when evaluating all these things in your life. The author then goes on to state, â€Å"Yet it is not at all clear whether, over longer periods, such a habit increases the likelihood that a person will commit a violent crime, like murder, rape, or assault, much less a Newtown-like massacre. (Such calculated rampages are too rare to study in any rigorous way, researchers agree. †which makes the reader really think logically about how much of an impact that video games has on violent behavior in today’s society. The author uses these examples which most people find to be the worst types of violent behavior in a way that is not charged or an error in logic because the way he uses them makes us thinking on a more realistic and deep level about how they are connected to violent video games. Mr. Care y tries to use every angle he can throughout his article including the rhetorical appeal of pathos through his use of tragic recent events and other statements that would make most readers feel on an emotional level. At the start of the article the author says, â€Å"The young men who opened fire at Columbine High School, at the movie theater in Aurora, Colo. , and in other massacres had this in common: they were video gamers who seemed to be acting out some dark digital fantasy. It was as if all that exposure to computerized violence gave them the idea to go on a rampage  or at least fueled their urges,†which for many readers hits directly on their heart strings because of how tragic the events he listed were and the toll they put emotional on most people in the United States when they happened. Mr. Carey uses this statement in such a way to really get the reader’s attention to his article that some other article may not because of how it connects with the reader’s emotions. Next the author states, â€Å"The issue is especially relevant today, because the games are more realistic and bloodier than ever, and because most American boys play them at some point,†which might makes most parents reading this article to think about their children especially those with boys about how the games they are playing effects them. This is another effective way the author uses the reader’s emotion to connect with his central claim about video games. Benedict Carey’s article â€Å"Shooting in the Dark†is effectively used by him to support his claim that there are no serious long term negative effects found from violent video games in today’s research. The author used rhetorical appeals of ethos, logos, and pathos throughout his entire article to good effect with me the reader. With Mr. Carey’s ethos appeal of giving all his sources a high base authority by backing them with ample background crediting and evidence gives the reader a feeling of comfort when reading. In his logos appeal Carey appeals to the reader’s logic by using real life situations that most readers would face in their everyday lives to connect his claim about video games into a normally logical way of thinking for the reader. Lastly Mr. Carey appeals to the reader’s emotion in his article by touching on recent tragic events and facts that effect children as to connect to the reader’s more emotional side. Overall I feel the author’s use of rhetorical appeals and solid scholarly sources gives the reader a very trust worthy and valuable take on the argument about the true effects that violent video games play on today’s society. Works Cited Carey, Benedict. Shooting in the Dark. The New York Times. N. p. , 11 Feb. 2013. Web. 20 Mar. 2013.
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